convince me, then, that doctrinal position has nothing to do with belief, or unbelief, among those who call Christ their Lord and Savior.
I do not believe (belief) Christ died for all mankind as you do, you do not believe (unbelief) Christ died only for a specific number of man, as I do, how then can you say Amen to my prayers, and I to yours ?
I do not feel comfortable with the use of musical instruments of any sort in worship, I do not believe it should be used, at all, while yours is an unbelief in my doctrinal position about musical instruments.
I do not believe in Sunday School being part and parcel of Sunday worship, but you would have Sunday School, are doctrinal positions involved here, or not ?
I do not believe (unbelief) in sending, supporting, and keeping track of the progress of missionaries for the purpose of the eternal salvation of those to whom they go since what I believe is that Christ's blood was sufficient for the eternal redemption of all for whom it was shed, yet, you believe (belief)that while Christ shed His blood and suffered on the cross and resurrected from the dead, it is imperative that sinners come to know Christ, or else....
I do not believe that what you call the Great Commission was given to the church, nor was it for the purpose of saving souls from hell and the lake of fire, you believe what regarding this ?
And by the way, Amos 3:3 is about God and Israel unable to walk together because Israel has walked contrary to God's Word (doctrine, teaching, instruction, oracle, whatever you want to call it).
Do you both believe that Jesus was/is God incarnated?
that his death/resurrection ONLY way to get saved?
That salvation is by Grace alone, thru faith alone?
Did you both receive the same Holy Spirit, Both now in the Body of Christ?
Is He both your Lord?
If yes, then tou and him are in the real church of Christ!