I thought maybe this would be a good place to share stories about the war... Any war and anything that's related to it... It can be about you or a member of your family or a story handed down of one of your ancestors... I recall one that my grandfather told about WWI... My grandfather Bill was in the Army Air Corp and his buddy and him like to play pranks on each other... Grandpa was a radio operator at an Air Station and received a call that said this is Captain Eddie Rickenbacker and grandfather thinking it was his buddy Red said yeah and I'm General John Pershing and thinking nothing of it hung up... Thinking this he caught Red trying to pull another one... Getting back to the reports and the papers he had to go through he was fully immersed when he turned around in his chair and Captain Eddie Rickenbacker (the fighter pilot ace) of WWI was standing right in front his desk. Grandpa said he jumped up from his chair so fast and popping to attention almost fell over and executed a salute. Stuttered and mumbled about the mistake he made explaining to Captain Rickenbacker that he thought on the phone that it was his buddy Red pulling another prank. Captain Rickenbacker didn't take any offense and they both had a good laugh... You never know who's going to show up during war!... So what did you do in the War Buddy?... Brother Glen