North Carolina Tentmaker
New Member
Yes, I agree with you, a forced arrangement would never work. There needs to be some mutual respect and shared experience. Beyond just showing up at the same meeting. You may actually have more success with an online friend and the anonimity of the internet than someone you see every day but don't trust.skypair said:First, let me say I am glad it worked for you. The church "rendition" seems to be matching 2 men who happen to be at the same meeting together or Sunday School, whatever -- a "forced" arrangement from the outset.
Absolutely. God does judge our sin. Your partner is not your judge, God has already judged you. We are not talking about someone pointing out the sin in your life. God has hopefuly already done that through the Holy Spirit. What we are talking about is after repentance getting encouragement and strength not to backslide again.skypair said:Further, God's judgment of sin is integral and if you are denying that there is judgment involved by the other person, you are merely saying that they don't agree with God. But the emphasis is on edification, I know.
There is of course always a chance of that, but what you need is another brother who is also dedicated from fleeing temptation and staying away from that ditch. Hopefully you stay away from the sin, but you need someone you can talk to openly and honestly about the temtation and desire of the flesh. And if you do fall, having confessed and received forgiveness from God, your partner encourages you not to fall again. The conviction /judgement /forgiveness /confession is all between you and God, your partner is just a fellow believer there for support and help. What I have seen and is really cool here is that your times of weakness will be your partners times of strength and vice verca. Not unlike a marriage relationship you can make up for each other's weaknesses and be stronger together then you ever could be alone.skypair said:And then I, of course, realize that you can't talk to your wife about going to a strip club. It's preciesly your accountability to her that should keep you out of such things! What makes you think that talking about the sin with another man won't throw both of you back into the same ditch again?! What would you put the odds of that at?
You are right on here too. Temptations are not sins, and hopefully you overcome the temptation and never fall into the sin, but in our judgmental society today some believers will condemn you for even admitting the temptation. I am at times be guilty myself. Some temptations I just cannot understand and some sins I could never forgive. But you don't need my forgiveness.skypair said:I agree that a word to the wise ought to be sufficient. We ought to come along side one another in times of trial, for sure. And I'm not saying that we should be "enablers" as even a wife might be with some sins. In such cases, you may need to hold her more accountable. :saint: But thoughts and temptations are not sins and as soon as one turns again to sin, he/she will just have someone else to have to lie to.
I don't think we are that far apart here skypair, just with a different perspective and experience. Had I seen this done as you described I would have had problems with it also.