Don't confuse the teaching of scripture with your particular view point or colored glases. How you aproach the bible in understanding is also tradition.
I am not. The Bible is extraordinarily clear. Man is utterly depraved. even his righteousnesses are filthy rags before God. His carnal mind is not subject unto the law of God neither can it be. This is the Word of God.
If what you say were true the passages would not be in the bible. And even in the quisential verse for salvation " whom so ever believes" indicates that there is a responsibility of choice for us. Webdog has shown verse showing God coming to reason with man.
Man must believe to be saved. No doubt about that. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. No doubt.
But Grace and Faith are gifts of God he grants to his elect.
For by grace are ye saved through faith AND THAT not of yourselves- it is the gift of God...
"And that" refers to faith. Faith is the gift of God.
irrelevant to the discussion. No one said without faith people please God. We said they chose right or good over evil.
No it is not. The Bible says if it is not of faith it is sin. Period.
Look around Many unsaved people do the right and good thing and not all with evil intent. Mothers love their children. Atheist adopt children to make the children lives better. Many Wealthy who apose God feed the poor etc... We can go on and on.
All of these things you cite that natural men do are done for the vilest of motives. For themselves and the human race- not for God. To do any work without God and his glory as the primary motive is wickedness in the highest degree.
The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The second only comes after the first. To use the strength he gave you in a way that does not honor him is evil regardless of how beneficial it is to the human race.
Let your light so shine before men that the y may see your good works and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.
Good works glorify something- always. If they glorify something besides God then the good works are idol worship. The idol may be the human race or self- but to do something with no desire to glorify God is to break the greatest commandment, to be guilty of the greatest crime and to incur upon one's self the greatest consequence.
This is why the natural man is hourly storing up wrath against the day of wrath (Romans 2:5).
Who cares if his deeds are acceptable horizontally if they are reprehensible vertically?
In your senario only the elect would do this.
ONLY the elect seek the glory of God in their deeds. Therefore, only the deeds of the elect are accepted of God.
However, in practicality we see people selflessly lay down their lives for others. It happens.
With wicked, godless motives. Proverbs reminds us that the sacrifice of the wicked is abomination before God.
Though one gives his body to be burned and has not charity (the love of God as the first commandment demands and the love of the neighbor which comes only after the first) he is nothing.
Which is why it makes Christianity a "hard sell" for these people.
It is a hard sell because they have hard self centered, man centered hearts. It is a hard sell because they do not fear God. It is a hard sell because they CANNOT receive the things of God in their natural state as Scripture makes abundantly clear.
All original sin did was give us a propensity or a leaning towards sinful behavior. When given a chance to sin we do it more often then not.
Support this with Bible.
do you go to the toilet in faith? I doubt it. Not true. Many things are just nuetral.
Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do- do ALL to the glory of God.
Interpret that.
The fact of the matter is that EVERYTHING done outside of faith is sin.
.Its certainly how you view it but not so. Anything regarding God and salvation needs faith. But I don't glorify God when I go to the toilet. Its a neutral activity. It doesn't require faith.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day. You can say while a man is tying his shoe he is in a sinful state but the act of tying the shoe is not a depravity. I think you confuse things.
His motive for tying his shoes is wicked. What he intends to do when he ties his shoes is not for God's glory. He is going to go forth and please himself or others with no concern as to what his Maker wants of him. He is going to go forth and use the breath that God gives him to continually undermine his responsibility to his maker.
The tying of his shoes is wickedness before a Holy God.