I know that the Word of God (Bible) is separated by OT/NT; however as a whole its still BIBLE. The OT scriptures are still relevant today. As a matter of fact I eat sausages from the hog. God flipped that script remember Peter in Acts 10:1-28. I also hold to the fact that our bodies are the temple of God
1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your
body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from
God, and you are not your own? As a believer our bodies reflect the temple of God. We should be careful of what we allow on and into our body.This is nothing new to you. My point is that we cannot separate the OT/NT each testament works together to show us Christ Jesus and how we should live. I was able through the strength of the Holy Spirit to stand on these principles. Numerous times I felt like Joseph having brothers (Sailors) trying to trick you to do things that would compromise my faith. Saying "Hey Neil lets go sightseeing" and end result they're heading to porn shops, bars trying to get me to drink; walking through brothels women throwing themselves at you being lewd etc. But for the grace of God and holding on to scriptures was my strength through all of this. I witness a young married sailor die because he didn't listen to me to stay away from those women. He contracted VD that took his life.
Paul instructs the believer to armor themselves. Your testimony above showed that you did this. Well done.
The OT law (according to Paul) is that which, as a school teacher, brings one to understand the need and the fulfillment of promise in Christ. Without the OT there would be no NT.
As applicable to believers, the statements taught throughout the Bible are generally not statements of restrictions (such as diet, clothes, observing festivals and holy days...) to the believer, but of that presenting principles in which the believer is to be distinct from the world.
For example, because of the modern cooking techniques and understanding of health issues, the believer can eat pretty much what is properly served. However, the principle is that to much consumption, the manner in which something is consumed, even the place of consumption must be conditioned upon all present. If principle being that if consumption is viewed as evil by someone, the believer is to not consume.
The believer lives by principle and not so much by rules.
For example, the believer is walking. There isn't a specific scripture about walking, but what principles can relate to the manner of the walking, the attitude of the walker, the type and tempo of the steps ...
The principles of Scriptures relate to everything in a believers life. Nothing is left out.
You served well.