I endorse that - with the same personal reservation.
I find that extraordinary logic, John. The glory of God , sola Deo gloria, IS one of the great Reformation truths also held by baptists, & other evangelicals, that is in no way denied by whatever interpretation we make of eschatology.
God is glorified in creation, revelation, the coming & saving work of the LORD Jesus Christ, by the proclamation of the Gospel, the salvation of sinners & the fulfilment of Old Covenant prophecy in the New Covenant Church. As redeemed sinners, we seek to live to the glory of God, & look for the return of the LORD Jesus Christ in glory to bring into being the NH&NE.
If you don't see that, you haven't begun to understand amil eschaology.
You are missing the point. The glory of God in dispensationalism is the very foundation of the theology.
Sticking to eschatology (not denying what you have said about other areas of theology), the amil and postmil positions do not depend on the glory of God for how God works in history.
If you want to go there, you haven't begun to understand dispensational eschatology.
Some of this may be a caricature - perhaps you can clarify your version of disp teaching.
OK John - what I have gathered from disps is that OC prophecy concerns Israel as a nation rather than Israel as a people. And so far every dispensation has failed, repeatedly & ultimately. God's purposes for his glory fail every time.
TCassidy's "Mediatorial Kingdom" asserts that the MK is in abeyance while Jesus remains in heaven. IOW because the nation of Israel rejected both Jesus & the Gospel, Jesus failed in his OC prophesied mission to gather the Israelites & establish them as a kingdom, in the promised land with himself, in person sitting on David's throne in Jerusalem. (See Acts 3)
God therefore had to resort to a secondary plan by saving the Gentiles while preserving the Israelite race as under judgment until another dispensation when Jesus would come in person to succeed in restoring the nation.
Further, fulfilment of Gabriel's 70 week prophecy of full salvation was not FINISHED, despite Jesus' shout of triumph from the cross, & his assurance to his disciples that “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” Only he doesn't know when. Mat. 24:36 One day is as 1,000 years....
And that teaching glorifies God !?!?!?
TCassidy's "Mediatorial Kingdom" asserts that the MK is in abeyance while Jesus remains in heaven. IOW because the nation of Israel rejected both Jesus & the Gospel, Jesus failed in his OC prophesied mission to gather the Israelites & establish them as a kingdom, in the promised land with himself, in person sitting on David's throne in Jerusalem. (See Acts 3)
God therefore had to resort to a secondary plan by saving the Gentiles while preserving the Israelite race as under judgment until another dispensation when Jesus would come in person to succeed in restoring the nation.
Further, fulfilment of Gabriel's 70 week prophecy of full salvation was not FINISHED, despite Jesus' shout of triumph from the cross, & his assurance to his disciples that “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” Only he doesn't know when. Mat. 24:36 One day is as 1,000 years....
And that teaching glorifies God !?!?!?
Amil teaches that Jesus did fulfill & FINISH all that he came to do;
That the people of Israel did indeed recognise their Messiah & turn to him in repentance & faith by the thousands, forming the prophesied NC ecclesia, called out from a disobedient nation to form the church of the redeemed people of God;
A redeemed people that from the first promise to Abram would include all families, all nations on earth;
a redeemed people who recognise Jesus as King & Great High Priest, LORD & Saviour & all that he was prophesied to be;
and ALL to the glory of God.
See Isaiah 49 which is quoted or alluded to throughout the NC Scriptures.
When Jesus comes again it will be for resurrection & judgment, the final incarceration of Satan & all his minions & human subjects, & to bring into being the NH&NE where there will be NO rebels, no unbelievers, no carnal Israel, no sexual relationships, but a Kingdom of perfect righteousness & perfect peace.
ALL to the glory of God.