So ALL Baptists truly believe in local church autonomy??!!??
Boy, that's a real surprise to me!!!!!!!!
If ALL Baptists honestly believe in local church autonomy as some people state, please tell me why then do so many (esp., but NOT always IFB) preachers condemn (often quite openly [say, e.g.,at some "Bible(?) conference" or maybe at a local area pastors' "fellowship," etc.]) some other BC for such things as:
1) Having a bus/van ministry?
2) Having a childrens/junior church?
3) Using 'slides' to show the lyrics to a hymn/"praise" song(s) rather than spending money on hymnbooks?
4) Passing offering plates instead of having the congregation come forward and put their offerings/tithes in a box?
5) Having (or NOT having) outreach ministries such as AWANA, Youth For Christ, Fellowship of Christian Athletics, etc.?
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
My point is this: If Baptists REALLY hold to local church autonomy, do they have the right to (often times very boldly [brazenly{?}]) come out and condemn/"unchurch" other BC's on such things as I've mentioned above---most of which are not really very clearly and/or openly condemed or condoned in God's Word?
Please note that I'm not suggesting that there may be situations arise over some of these (especially with #5) that may require a certain amount of discernment in that these things don't start becoming "an end unto itself/themselve(s)."
But, even then, wouldn't it be more "Christ-like" to perhaps take that BC's pastor aside and voice one's concerns about what a certain Baptist preacher(s) may perceive to be a potential, or maybe even a REAL, "problem" before we publicly cruicify that BC for doing something that God's Word is, for the most part, relatively silent about?
What do you think?
P. S. --- I ask these things because about 30-35 years ago I was in a church (not as a pastor since so far at least the immutable God hasn't seen fit to "call this 66+ YO [46.5 as a child of God] never-married, celibate male into the pulpit ministry), I was in a Bible college ministry that eventually folded---due in almost entirely because 2-3 self-appointed IFB preachers viewed several of the above-mentioned items that the church of which I was a member claimed that because we did (or DIDN'T do) some of the above-mentioned things, that this IFB had now "Gone 'Liberal' and/or 'compromised' and/or 'gone modern,'" and thus was "no longer a TRUE BC and therefore her Bible college was unworthy of any/all financial support/sending "our" young folks to go to that college.
Needless to say, that church subsequently had to disband its Bible college within a few years of that happening.