As a believer, we are not supposed to be "afraid" of death, because we know that "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!" That is a huge "Halellujah" moment!!!
However, Each of us, like it or not [unless the rapture comes while we are still alive], will die.
With that fact being acknowledged, my question to you is simple: What manner of form of expiring or dying would you most prefer to avoid, if you could avoid it in the first place?
For me, it is choking, smothering or being unable to breath. As an asthmatic, and having watched my mom deal with severe asthma all of her life, that is one thing that scares the living bejeebies out of me. In fact, dying by this manner or form leaves me "breathless" [sorry, but I couldn't help that]. :smilewinkgrin:
So, if you could ask God to let you die one way, in particular, in avoiding another way, what would be the way you would ask to be exempted from???
Let me end this by saying that when I leave this carbon-based body, doing it quietly in my sleep is the way I pray for me to go! :sleeping_2:
Thanks for your answers. I think this should be interesting. :flower:
However, Each of us, like it or not [unless the rapture comes while we are still alive], will die.
With that fact being acknowledged, my question to you is simple: What manner of form of expiring or dying would you most prefer to avoid, if you could avoid it in the first place?
For me, it is choking, smothering or being unable to breath. As an asthmatic, and having watched my mom deal with severe asthma all of her life, that is one thing that scares the living bejeebies out of me. In fact, dying by this manner or form leaves me "breathless" [sorry, but I couldn't help that]. :smilewinkgrin:
So, if you could ask God to let you die one way, in particular, in avoiding another way, what would be the way you would ask to be exempted from???
Let me end this by saying that when I leave this carbon-based body, doing it quietly in my sleep is the way I pray for me to go! :sleeping_2:
Thanks for your answers. I think this should be interesting. :flower: