Well-Known Member
IMHO you are taking Christ's name in vain every time you drag it into the discussion to excuse your practice of race baiting that does nothing but cause more division and strife.
Oh gosh man. You and a lot of folks on here have opinions about what you think I do. Most folks who belong to the political party whose ideology swamps this board feel that way. As with slavery and Jim Crow, some of ya think you can keep Christ out of the conversation to keep ya from having to deal with the complicit wickedness.
I'm gonna continue to point it out for what it is.
And I see you're as silly as some of the others if you think i'm dismissed by you crying race baiting. Nice Sean Hannity training.
I mean seriously. Do the lot of you REALLY think I'm moved that you cry "race baiting" while dismissing the racism and racial prejudice? I'd almost laugh if it weren't so ridiculously pathetic.
So, to answer your question "what has Obama done to divide the country" I'd say he has used people like you to do it.
Nice none answer. Obama couldn't use me if he wanted to. It's just easier for folks like you to blame him when I point the finger at the purveyors of the real racial wickedness and division.
It's like the lot of you think you can say unarmed black people who are murdered by the police got what they deserved, or "their parents should have trained them better", or refer to the President as dumb, etc. and then say "The President is divisive" and then think that everyone with good sense isn't gonna look at ya like you're senile.
Now follow the letters on the page. Some of you are so full of yourselves that you cry "divisive" as much as you think folks race bait.
The constant defensiveness, by your protestations of innocence, by your denials that anything is wrong and that it's always everybody else doing the's nothing more than the signing of a confession.
You may not be able to handle the truth and thus end up crying race baiting and divisive. But you not being able to handle it doesn’t make it any less factual.
Christ didn't call you to be a divider Obama and George Soros did.
Sounds like you've been spending too much time on InfoWars listening to Alex.
You're acting in their names not Christ's.
Well, one must deduce that if you're not standing up for right, that you're standing up for the one who is against that right. Happens when politics and conspiracy becomes a person's god.
My problem is I'm sick of seeing you drag Christ's name through the mud to support your own golden calves.
Your problem is you're sick of seeing the right of Christ used to combat the wickedness you don't think exists. It's okay.

Come up with some new material.Thumbsup