If all that stimulus and bailout money had been given to the people as a one time windfall on which we all had to pay capital gains of income tax....... we would have had more stimulus than we do now.
No doubt we'd have a sudden jerk in inflation unless a temporary price freeze and wage freexe was also included, and some temporary injunction to hold prices such as new services or transfer of property to fair market value limits: No doubt we'd continue buying cheap from China and elsewhere, unless protective tariffs were imposed and incentives added to buy American.
Beyond that, a portion of people would take early retirement and clear their positions for new employees.
A portion of the people would invest or try to purchase the dreams they never thought they could afford..... a home for some, a vaction for others, a medical option which wasn't affordable before, a new car, a second car, some landscaping, a boat, a vacation home, remodeling of an older home, some would have children, and some would further their education, paying off their mortgages or avoiding foreclosure. Some mothers would stop working and stay home with their children, some would home school, some would invest in alternative education to the public schools.
And a portion of people would reinvest, hopefully in American stock and banks and industry, or start the business venture they'd always dreamed about which seemed impossible before. Farmers might invest in expensive labor saving equipment or in buttressing their terraces to prevent soil washouts, and run offs, or add fallow land rotation to their crops (which is Biblical land conservation, BTW).
No doubt the survivalist industries might see some growth of people building shelters, or adding water purification, or investing in alternative energy.
And some would gamble away their windfall.
While some might give up their jobs all together, others might release from employers and locations which stiffled their possibilities. I think many who would think now of quitting their jobs...... would be surprised at how quickly bored they might get, lazy and unhappy, and return to that work which required some structure and purpose in their lives.
Many current government programs, would cease, for a while, to be needed and others could be substantially reduced. Those who truely were motivated in their work with sincere desire to help others, could move into parrallel occupations, with little added training, to help those who need help with budgets, activities of daily living, paperwork, marketing...... the elderly and the mental or emotionally disabled, to help stabilize their independance: or themselves sponsor foster care and group homes.
American industry would get a consumer driven jump start: Enterpreneurs would start businesses and offer employment. New investments might consolidate and build new businesses and industry to compete with and replace those which left our country. Deprived of bailout monies the old corporations with the capitol to splurge on lobbyists and perks would be cut at the knees and have to sink or swim with the rising competition of new industry...... without the power to control Congress and manipulate legislation to stiffle competition or give them undue advantage. Employers and employees would both be competitive in looking for quality in workers and offering quality in conditions of employment. Counties would see their property values stablize or increase; The tax base from property, sales, income, and profits would return monies to all the hungry pockets of government: road projects would be planned and built. With the reduction in social services and welfare and other government expenses....... payment on the national debt could ensue.
Of course this is so flawed as is most any other solution man might dream up, most especially because God hasn't been consulted in the solution, and....... because we do live in a fallen world, and in that world there are spiritual forces which will attack any things humans attempt to do, particularly when we do it without consulting and relying on God, because those forces are at enmity with God and all his creation and particularly against those creatures of clay into which he breahed life who are made after his image to glorify him.