I am sure they held the same position over songs in general of their time. That's why they are still sung. 100 years from now some of today's "New" stuff will survive over time and be held in the same position we hold the hymns today.
Actually, the new music issue is problematic because it is driven by a music industry, which was unheard of until recent years. Because of this, "worship" music is written with a mindset of consumerism. It's big business.
This is not true of all new music, and whatever the case, there are some good new songs being written. Some of the songs by Getty and Townend, for instance, are great songs with solid theological basis.
You are right that some of the "new" stuff will survive and be adopted into the ranks of hymnody, but let's face it, many of the churches I've visited sing only new songs...and by new, I mean within a couple of years. The top WOW songs make up an overwhelming percentage of what is being used.
So, if that kind of unfortunate setting continues to exist, practically nothing sung now will be used in 5 or 10 years, much less 100.