But do you ever ask what attracts a lost 80 year old, soon to face hell? Or those not in the upwardly mobile young adult demographic? What reaches our gang bangers? Our working poor?
ahhh, yes & all the time
For that matter, why do we focus on attracting ANY demographic group IF to do so we have to compromise what we believe is right?
Because the people running them are morons
Why are we not focusing on seeing the lost saved and the saved discipled, regardless of age. Would that not better serve the cause of Christ?
Amen .....agreed!
Really? Can you imagine the pain you cause when you blame all that goes wrong on the older folks who's blood sweat and tears built the church?
Why would sociopaths care? What they care about is themselves.
Isnt it obvious....they "think" they need to replenish .....it's a numbers driven game!Let me suggest this: despite all the rhetoric out there, we have a Lord Who told us to go and preach the Word and make disciples. He also warned us we would not be popular in doing so. No generation has ever had it easy in winning the lost. In past generations you may have more of the lost in church, but it was still tough. We've BEEN FOCUSED since the 1960's on winning the younger folks to Christ. We've failed, and that miserably. What makes us think more of that focus will succeed?
Why not go forth as Spurgeons or Wesleys and preach the gospel to ALL people, letting them know up front church is not about their "felt needs" or their "youth culture" or "senior culture" but about Jesus Christ and Him crucified?
GO FORTH..... Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitfield??? Oh man, you mean a pastor has to actually get off his keister & go out to people!!! Horror of horrors. :laugh:
Not when you have an existing system that tells the sheeple that they must come to church on Sunday. Fill them with guilt & see what ROI you get outa that.
Why not acknowledge church isn't about age, or culture, or style but about serving Christ as opposed to being served by experts there to make your experience pleasurable?
you dont get it .....old people die & we gotta do something to obtain the numbers & the revenue! :BangHead: