HeirofSalvation said:I quote this...not specifically in reference to "women" but any who might be easily led or confused.....it is the easily confused or led of whom I speak. I think that much of the strength of Calvinist dogma is often observed when anyone has successfully created a sub-conscious association in the mind between "grace" and "Calvinism". I would also daresay, that I, as a non-Cal am not the only one to see this, and I am quite convinced there are many a Calvinist who do as well!!! and they take advantage of it. I am not going to let them plead innocent ignorance...they are too smart for that...they know what they are doing. It is time for the non-Cals to enlighten our flocks to this particular tactic as well. Try as you might, this particular trick is now available to be rebutted on the World-wide-web....and it will therefore not last forever....it worked for 400 years.....it will be dead in ten.
Have fun in your efforts. As for me, I don't have time for sensational claims and games. The last thing to enter my mind is to try and "trick" Arminians or anyone else who calls themselves a non-Calvinist. I enjoy the free exchange of ideas the Internet provides, and my personality naturally gravitates towards debate. But when I debate it is to contend for the truth. Tricks are for magicians and charlatans.
You must think that those who hold to the doctrines of grace do so because they are engaged in some insidious plot to burden weak-willed people. Your view of 2 Timothy 3:5-7, in conjunction with the topic at hand, indicates as much. If you actually do believe that then I leave you with your delusions.
HeirofSalvation said:We are not going to let you continue to get away with it....sorry...you will forever be called on it whenever you try it...welcome to world-wide-web.....Calvinism has veritably owned theological popular thought for about 25years.... (specifically with the imminently convincible 22-year-old retards you are catechising in seminaries) but now, Arms have wisened to it, and they are going to fight back with full force....As much ground as it will ever gain has now been gained....watch, (my prediction) as it begins to slowly fade away into pockets of obscurity. The purely Psychological trick of equivocating between "grace" and "determinism" is and will be routed out, exposed, and rejected.
Facts present a real problem to fables. The overwhelming majority of Baptist churches in this country are not Calvinistic. The idea that "Calvinism has veritably owned theological popular thought for about 25years" is preposterous. The Founders Movement is a minority in the SBC. Self-proclaimed Reformed Baptist Churches are scarcely a blip on the Baptist radar screen. Some states don't even have one Reformed Baptist church! The doctrines of grace have always been in the minority since the post-Puritan age. Providentially, the doctrines of grace have gained traction in some evangelical circles. But instead of being the populace position it is simply becoming another voice at the table.
Most Reformed Baptist churches have eschewed the modern church growth movement. They are committed to evangelism, but also to raising godly families - organic growth.
HeirofSalvation said:Obviously not, as you will not concede it. I also know you NEVER will. Prove me mistaken. You are defending the tactic, as you do not want it lost.
I don't need to prove you mistaken. You've done an able job of that yourself. I have no need for such tactics. I stand on what I am convinced Scripture teaches. I know what I believe will be rejected by the majority. That's okay since I am know I will never convince the majority.