Brother Curtis, I was a teen in London during the 2nd World War and I was 23 when I went to Korea as a chaplain in the Canadian Army. I lost family members in the first war, and we lost 550 Canadians in Korea, many from my unit, the PPCLI. I jumped into battle with the fighting men, and yes, held many a hand of a kid...many were only 18 or 19 they lay dying on the battle field. Not an experience I want to repeat, but if freedom was at risk, I would gladly volunteer again.
Yes, Mr. Chamberlain did offer concessions to Hitler and he was severely criticized by some for that. Given the situation, however, what alternatives were there? This is one of the biggest military mights on earth. America was not involved at this point. England had nothing by way of war machinery and we were only 20 miles off, as it were, from German aircraft. Chamberlain did all he could to "settle Hitler down" as it were. So, he offered a piece of the pie, to save the whole.
The important thing to remember is that Chamberlain did not slack when Germany actually violated another country and he quickly declared a state of war.
As a point of interest, because of he time difference, Canada actually declared war before England, as a commonwealth country.
As another point of interest, I vowed to visit the mother of every soldier who died in my unit when I got back to Canada. It took me two years, but I tell you, that was much harder than holding the lad's hand in the field.
Cheers, and thanks for asking,
B179755 (One never forgets his number)