JamieinNH said:I totally agree! Wow!! Why is this allowed on this board?!?!
There's nothing about what I posted that should be dis-allowed on this forum. My view is that the term African-American is the product of race mongers like Jesse Jackson and that it serves to divide people of different races and group all black people into one group rendering them captive to that group by the people who advance such thinking. It extends far beyond the matter of fact ancestral origin of peoples. Ordinary people know this but just can't say it. It has become unacceptable to challenge such foolishness and that's what so bad about such political correctness in our society. The mere mention of something not in line with what people like Jesse Jackson say immediately cast that person as a racist not worthy to be heard. I say it's the other way around. I challenge the term African-American for what it is and the harm it does. I say black people should be free to stand on their own as individuals joining hands with others according to specific issues instead of most often being lumped into one group as if it could be no other way. Christians need to wake up to this travesty and call it what it is instead of falling prey to the "political correctness" of the world!