I remember while in the AOG church, had a couple move up north to MI from the South...
They were appalled that we allowed mix swimming for the teens, that we would allow girls/boys to swim together , yet they saw no problem with taking tobacco or a shot fro lunch!
Along that same line, when I was still a student at Clarksville Bapt College (Class of 1976; BA in Bible & Relig. Educ. [summa cum laude]), there were a couple of new students from the Toledo, OH, area that entered when I was in my junior year. Both were apparently recommended by their home church's pastor.
Anyway, one weekend early in the school year, they entered a pool hall & shot a couple rounds of "friendly" pool amongst themselves. No betting; no drinking; no loud or boisterous manners nor "unbecoming-of-a-Bible-college-student-like" behavior---just a game or two, after which they left as quietly as they came in.
When they arrived back at the boys' dorm, they compliently reported back to the dorm supervisor just as the CBC Student Manual/Rules required. When the dorm supervisor found out that they had the gall to as much as set foot in such a "blatant 'den of "Sodom-and-Gomorrah-style" iniquity' as a POOL HALL, they were summarily hauled before the Dean of Students to face the wrath of his own "Bema" Seat!!!
What had they done??!!??
Why....why....They'd committed one of the unwritten CARDINAL sins by darkening the confines of a P-O-O-L Hall!!!!!
When they had lived back in the Toledo OH area, oftentimes some of their church's youth leaders would schedule a young peoples' outing at one of their communities' pool halls, and nothing "condemnable" happened there----any more than their meeting at a bowling alley or at a miniature golf place to just have a fun time. No booze, no drugs, no untoward advances w/the opposite gender---just good, plain fun. Period. End of discussion.
OTOH, when these same young men as much as entered this "Devil's Dungeon" (a/k/a pool hall), one would have thought that they'd committed THE sin unto DEATH!!
Eventually the clamour on both sides of the issue subsided, but there remained in the dark shadows that gnawing suspicion that those couple young men STILL had the very nerve as to wave their fists in the air in overt, brazen defiance against both God Himself and the "MOST HIGH-HOLY, SACREDLY INSPIRED FROM-THE-COUNCIL-HALLS-OF-eternity-PAST, INFALLIBLE 'STUDENT'S MANUAL'"!!!! :tonofbricks:
Ah....yes......."Them war the 'good times,'....I'm-a tellin' y'all!!!!!!!" :thumbs: :smilewinkgrin: :tongue3: