I noticed what you said and decided to let it go, but since you felt compelled to raise the issue:
Yes, you did assert this this and found it a strange statement to come out of the mouth of one who has a relation with God. For in love of the creatures He created (you and me) God sacrificed His Only Begotten
God’s glory is in bringing love into the world for His creatures. The free return of love blesses Him.
God is our loving Master and we bring Him glory in our choosing through love to give service to Him. God was also glorified in His service (paying the price) to us unworthy creatures. Your logic does not follow that God would an idolator, I find that to be an absurd conclusion.
The Lord, our Master, our King is also our Shepherd who guides and takes care of His creatures which He brought into in the world. As the sheep returns worth to the shepherd so does God’s creature return the value of love which brings Him glory. I fail to see the ethics or your logic following.
For His glory, therefore He will glorify His power, goodness and faithfulness in delivering them with the coming of His Son, who brought the light of His loving Word, who died to pay the price so that they/we (
all His creatures) "may" live in Him.
Because He is a God of Love.
God shows mercy to them that love Him, Exo 20:6, Deu 5:10, therefore one might conclude that God performs salvation for the sake of reciprocal love being brought into all the world. I have no clue how you conclude the scripture you presented here supports your logic.
God rescues the people that bring His Word that proclaims His power of love may be known in all the world and that thou mayest love the Lord thy God and know Him. God has to bring down the proudest of his enemies; that His name, irresistible power, and inflexible justice, might be declared throughout all the earth – not only then but now, and not by design but by example this will be the event.
It does not follow that that these events were
determined by design, we have numerous instances of this manner of speaking which denote not the design
but His Providential Sovereign Control over the events which happen.
Because God is longsuffering in His work that His name be known to all in the world. All in the world will know that He is a God of love who brought mercy and grace into all the world unto all who come to Him in faith, none will have an excuse and all will be judged accordingly.
I find your claims of seemingly divine narcissistic motives being attributed to God to be completely out of line with the sacrifices He made.
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
…and I can only conclude your efforts are an attempt to justify Hard Deterministic views to support Calvinist doctrines. I find such to be a rather odd understanding though…