He did NOT say that your "UNrighteousnesses" are as filthy rags as though they started as "righteousness" and "clean rags"
Yes, we know....but, your goal is to re-define the word "righteousness" as "UN-righteousness".
We don't...
It's "righteousness" just like Jesus said, and you can't escape that. Regardless of how much you hate it.
but "ALL our RIGHTEOUSNESSES" are as filthy rags. Think about it!
We have, and therefore we understand that even though an otherwise sinful man can do that which is "RIGHT".....
It doesn't
MERIT God's favour.
SINFUL men do that which is "righteous"....
but, they are all sinners in God's eyes, because they are guilty of breaking God's law on an innumerable number of points...
That's what Romans 1 and 2 are about. They haven't kept ALL the law, and are therefore guilty...
That doesn't mean that at any point they DO keep the law...that they are
sinning for doing so.
That's insane.
In other words, what starts out as filthy rags
That's not Scripture Biblicist...
Jesus didn't say "All good things aren't good things, but rather they are bad things"...
Like you are saying.
Winman just made a perfectly reasonable exegetical and Biblical point which you ignore....
He said "filthy" rags
were once clean...
You are attempting to prove they were
NEVER clean...
And you have no verse to prove that...NONE.
is "OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" and not "some" but "ALL"! Think about it!
He has....
He's not as stupid as you think.
The infant in the cradle is in the dying process
Do you have ANY, I mean, ANY clue what you personally teach...
Infants aren't "DYING"....
They're DEAD!!!!!
I'll stop before I lose my frikkin mind about how little you understand about your own Theology...
I'll lose my mind...
I'm going to convert to Calvinism only because I'd be TEN TIMES better at Calvinist Theology than you are. I could seriously debate your own side better than you do.
Infants are "DY
NO, they're already
Remember they were magically partakers in Adam's Physical spermatozoa in his sin when he ate a forbidden fruit 6,000 years ago.
THAT'S when the infant died. He isn't "dying".
Do I need to explain to you how "Total Depravity" works???
Do you guys ever listen to yourselves?
and the absolute proof is that infants can and do die right at the beginning of the dying process.
"Infants can and do "
DIE" right at the beginning of the "
DYING" process....
Guess what I can and do "vomit" right at the beginning of the "vomiting" process.
He is not speaking about a "leaf" but "our iniquities."
Negative...he must be speaking of your partaking of Adam's iniquities...
Your personal ones in your Earthly lifetime are irrelevant.
We ARE sinners by nature when born
You were a
personal partaker in Adam's sin 6,000 years ago...you were not a sinner at "birth".
but we become sinners by choice when we rationally determine to do wrong when we understand what is right.
Adam knew right from wrong, and he sinned WILLFULLY...
Unlike Eve who was deceived.....
Sorry...Adam's sin was
known and
willful, and you already participated in it long before birth.
We are already sinners by nature because we do not come into this world with a clean or pure heart but a self-centered heart which any parent that is not mentally incapable can clearly see right away.
I keep wondering about Calvinist's children.......
I have 4......
And comparatively... mine aren't really half-bad. Imperfect and un-meriting of God's presence, yes..
But, my oldest (at 5)...RARELY actually sins.
Her heart is PREPOSTEROUSLY and almost fictionally and COMICALLY in the right place....She seeks God on EVERY level....
The next one (at four) is the
Devil incarnate....
But not the 5 year old.
I don't believe you people HAVE kids half the time. I already admire the heart and Spirit of my 5-year old. No one I have EVER met is MORE against sin and inherently humbled and repentant when confronted with their wrong-doing than my oldest....
You people's kids must utterly suck.
Winman is right...
Arminians are sinner but you guys are
Sorry, I'm not buying the kid thing (now that I have 4 of the creatures)...
I am (and was) more naturally wicked than my quite righteous (but imperfect) 5-year old is....
I wish I had a heart more naturally inclined towards God like hers....It's almost like she's a "Cornelius" or something.....
I get it...You guy's kids apparently are inconceivably demonic....
Mine....are actually pretty durned good.....Better than
I was anyway.
Maybe you guys suck at being parents????
The context makes it very clear this person was already of age of inheritance and the going astray was WILLFUL.
By "WILFUL" (which you capitalized) you mean simply nothing more than:
"Necessitated by his nature".
So what...
No such person as represented by his elder brother exists as there is no human that liveth and sinneth not
But that's not Winman's philosophy anyway...
He maintains the elder brother was an infant who died....so that takes away your idea of a "human that liveth and sinneth not" doesn't it???
(I actually disagree with his interpretation of that parable B.T.W.)
but the profession of this full grown man was that he NEVER AT ANY TIME violated any commandment of His Father.
That's not his argument...
His argument was always and Ever that the elder brother is an infant who never reached adulthood.....
Again, I disagree....
But, it's not an inconsistent view.
Sinners by nature BECOME sinners
Please just read VEEERRRY SLLLOWWWLLY what you just said here...
and see if it makes any kind of sense:
become Sinners".
WOW dude...