You said, "...he need not pursue righteousness if he IS righteous by nature. If he IS unrighteous by nature, then and only then, does pursuit of righteousness enter the picture."
That is exactly what I accused you of believing. You think someone has to be irresistibly made righteous in order to pursue righteousness, which is confounding. It's like saying that a parent has to forceable give his child a bath in order for the child to desire a bath.
Lets take it one statement at a time. "he need not pursue righteousness if he IS righteous by nature." You don't pursue what you ARE - it is oxymoronic to do so.
Secondly, "If he IS unrighteous by nature, then and only then does pursuit of righteousness enter the picture." If he is UNrighteous BY NATURE, then he is wholly without righteousness and in need of it.
At this point is where you options "A" or "B" come into view. If he IS UNrighteous by nature then an "evil" tree CANNOT produce "good" fruit = righteousness; something "clean" (righteousness) cannot come out of an UNclean thing; therefore it is also oxymoronic that justification can be accomplished by your own works which are nothing less than products of an UNrighteous nature. Hence, righteousness cannot originate from anything you ARE by nature and thus it must originate from a source OUTSIDE of yourself that "IS" righteous by nature.
How then does something "UNCLEAN" = "UNRIGHTEOUS" = "BAD" by nature produce "good" = "righteousness"? The only Biblical answer is that it must be "CREATED in Christ Jesus UNTO good works" - Eph. 2:10. Thus an EXTERNAL source of POWER and of RIGHTEOUSNESS must change your NATURE from "unclean" to "clean" and from "unrighteous" to "righteous" and from "sinful" to "holy" and thus the "new" heart is "CREATED in righteousness and true holiness" (Eph. 4:24/Col. 3:10) and it is with this created righteous nature - or "new" heart that faith originates within us as "with the heart man believeth."
Now, concerning your argument based upon CHRONOLOGICAL rationale, the new birth and conversion are simletaneous in action or in the words of the prophet "turn us O God and we shall be turned" and thus God doing the turning is the cause but if God turns we are BEING turned" so only God's power (turning us) is the cause that logical precedes conversion "be turned".
One attains righteousness through FAITH,
Yes, "THROUGH" faith NOT BECAUSE OF faith but "through" like a pipe is used "through" which water flows thus demanding simeltaneously the coexistence of both the pipe and water flowing in the pipe at one and the same time. In salvation terms, faith is the pipe, whereas the water is the creative saving power of God.
In terms of process, some appointed instrument brings the gospel UNTO the elect in word only. At that appointed time, the Holy Spirit empowers or takes up residence in the word as His creative word making the transition of the gospel from UNTO him to INTO his heart. At this point, the CREATIVE power of the Holy Spirit has the heart for its object of creativity which brings into existence within the heart the very "substance" of faith or what Paul calls the "Light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' The "light of the knowledge of God IN THE FACE OF Jesus Christ" refers to inner experiential revelation "of God" within the DARKENED heart. This inner revelatory knowledge consists of revealing God "in the face of" Jesus Christ or to say it another way, God is revealed in the redemptive Person and work of Jesus Christ as proclaimed in the gospel. This "light" expels and replaces the darkness of unbelief as does light from a light bulb expells and replaces darkness in a room.
Thus the very creative word (empowered gospel) that produces the substance of faith (hope of the gospel) in the heart is also the very object of that created faith in the heart. The "substance" of that faith IS salvation as presented in the gospel. Hence, the gospel comes not in "word only" but "IN POWER" and "IN THE SPIRIT" as a creative word producing a new believing heart, and thus it also comes simeltaneously "IN MUCH ASSURANCE" as it creates the very "substance" of faith or the "hope" of salvation expressed in the gospel. Therefore, the pipe (faith) is simeltaneous with the flowing water of life (Salvation by the creative word of the Gospel).
yet your dogma suggests one must attain righteousness in order to have faith. That is confounding and no doubt the reason that even Calvinists disagree with each other regarding this point in their system.
The created righteous heart is different than "imputed" righteousness obtained by faith. The first is IMPARTED by a creative act of God that produces the substance of faith while the latter is IMPUTED due to faith. The former makes us a "child" of God whereas the latter provides us legal status as a "son" of God. The former gives us SPIRITUAL life whereas the latter provides us "eternal life" as a Legal bestowment. The former changes our moral nature while the latter changes our legal position before God.
Righteousness created in the "new" heart is different than "imputed" righteousness as a product of faith.