Sorry, that's not what he said...
This exactly what I am saying. One must first be "created" in Christ Jesus, which is the impartation of righteousness by a creative act of God BEFORE they can DESIRE or DO works of righteousness. Lost people do not righteously pursue righteousness because they have NO HEART for righteousness and their pursuit is for SELF-JUSTIFICATION which is disobedience to God's Word.
Paul said that they PURSUED RIGHTEOUSNESS either by works or by faith.
The pursuit of righteousness by works is not a God given desire but is disobedience to God and a clear rejection of Jesus Christ and thus a sinful desire and act. So Paul is not approving that desire or pursuit but merely declaring that is what they are doing and condemning it.
Calvinists think they have to be made righteous (given a new nature which is 'good') in order to pursue righteousness, which is confounding.
That is precisely what Paul is teaching in Ephesians 2:10. No lost person pursues righteousness ACCORDING TO GOD'S WILL but in defiance of His revealed will as a matter of SELF-JUSTIFICATION. Only the person FIRST created in Christ Jesus "UNTO" good works has the proper motive and desire to pursue the righteousness of God ACCORDING TO GOD'S WILL.