You are claiming that "clean" can come out of something "unclean" and Job says "not one" can DO this!
No I am not. I am not claiming that man is good or clean.
You are claiming that a thorn bush can produces figs and Jesus says that is impossible.
This is where scripture shows you wrong. Jesus showed men have both the option and ability to determine what kind of tree they are.
Mat 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good;
or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.
A man can choose to do good or bad.
You are claiming that "without me" (Christ) even the lost can produced "good" fruit whereas Jesus tells his own disicples they "can do nothing" in producing "good" fruit.
I have never said any such thing. When Cornelius did good, he was praying to God, he was giving alms to the poor because that is what God taught in the scriptures.
Many unregenerated people know the Ten Commandments and will tell the truth because that is what they believe God wants them to do. Their good works are "wrought in God".
You are claiming that "good" in God's sight is possible from an unclean heart with a wrong motive and there is no other right motive but in all that you DO, YOU DO FOR THE GLORY OF GOD and anything less is coming "short of the glory of God" which is the basic definition of sin.
I beg your pardon, it was JESUS who said evil men can give good gifts to their children. It was JESUS who said sinners can love one another and do "good" to each other. Jesus didn't say "evil", he said "good".
And this is what I am saying, evil man can do individual good acts or works. But no man is "good" which means sinless or perfect.
God's word tells how a man is to take care of his family and it is not merely providing external things but he has a spiritual duty to raise up his children in the "admonition of the Lord" and love his wife "as Christ loved the church" as that is fundemental in the institution of Marriage as God purposed it and thus the duty of all husbands regardless of their spiritual state.
God's word tells us hundreds of things to do, and rarely does any man perform ALL of them. I bet even you fall short once in awhile.
You define "good" just like the pharisees define "good" - external conformation regardless of internal motive.
I define good as obedience. When Jesus condemned the Pharisees, he did not condemn them for tithing. He said they SHOULD have done this. Their tithing was good, even if most other things they did was evil.
Luk 11:42 But woe unto you, Pharisees!
for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God:
these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
There was nothing wrong with the Pharisees tithing, they should have tithed. It was good.
If it was evil for the Pharisees to tithe as you teach, then Jesus told them they should sin. This proves your view to be a complete fallacy.