Since I don't know anything about FV, I guess I don't have a negative view of him... just what I've seen in the above videos... which seem good. I am particularly really interested in
Trinity Reformed Church (a plant from Christ Church)- which is also in Moscow- about their efforts to create a biblical form of worship that more closely resembles the early Church. The website is quite extensive in their explanation, but also provides a lot of room for discussion. I really want to engage them more on that.
As for Last Events- I don't really have a strong view on the order and typically like to avoid groups who do have a strong opinion about it. The fact is, we don't know. Revelation is a very difficult and strange book to understand (I doubt even John comprehended the vision completely) and it seems good to not obsess over having it all figured it out. My emphasis is to watch and wait. Follow Christ today, don't stray, and trust Him for my preservation. Whether we are raptured pre-trib or have to remain until the glorious appearing, Christ will be our front and rear guard and no trial will come upon us that will not bring Him greater glory, whether we suffer or not.