Tom Butler:
"The original legalists, of course were the Pharisees and Saducees. The measured your spirituality by how well you followed their rules. They criticized Jesus when he didn't ceremonially wash his hands before eating. They criticized him for healing on the Sabbath, because that was work.
The rulers of the Jews, the scribes, etc., were the ones who defined the law. Such has, it was okay to walk a mile on the Sabbath, but more than that was breaking the Sabbath. That was how your spirituality was measued."
The first legalist was the devil. You may take your statement here and just so apply it to the story of the fall; it will fit perfectly! The devil's first disciples were Adam and Eve. Legalism was the original sin; or rather, is, the original sin!
"The original legalists, of course were the Pharisees and Saducees. The measured your spirituality by how well you followed their rules. They criticized Jesus when he didn't ceremonially wash his hands before eating. They criticized him for healing on the Sabbath, because that was work.
The rulers of the Jews, the scribes, etc., were the ones who defined the law. Such has, it was okay to walk a mile on the Sabbath, but more than that was breaking the Sabbath. That was how your spirituality was measued."
The first legalist was the devil. You may take your statement here and just so apply it to the story of the fall; it will fit perfectly! The devil's first disciples were Adam and Eve. Legalism was the original sin; or rather, is, the original sin!