Many these days will say that you are "unloving" if you have biblical discernment. Recently I was told I was not loving because I said that some in the Word of Faith/Third Wave movements are charlatans and false teachers. To quote this person.
I replied and asked if Jesus was loving when you read his words to the 7 churches in revelation. I never got a reply as this person's personal feelings and mystical experiences have more weight than the scripture in her unbiblical mind.
Anyone dealt with these type? They are everywhere. I am reading a book by Josh McDowell called the New Tolerance and its speaking of these types.
I am saying that calling someone a 'charlaton' and 'those types' is not saying it in love. Speak the truth in love, John, and God's message through you will be heard. Ask him how....he'll show you. You are good at correcting and leading with research and the Word, not so much with the grace and love required to communicate the message.
End of our discussion.
I replied and asked if Jesus was loving when you read his words to the 7 churches in revelation. I never got a reply as this person's personal feelings and mystical experiences have more weight than the scripture in her unbiblical mind.
Anyone dealt with these type? They are everywhere. I am reading a book by Josh McDowell called the New Tolerance and its speaking of these types.