Let me remind you. This is about the how we are to do in government not the church. So what is yourt answer? As Christians should we seek to get our legislators to allow the things I the OP or not?
Yes, of course. I was asserting my opinion that according to the scripture everything we do should be tempered by our faith and the word of God.
However it is not a simple yes or no answer.
As to each your inquiries, we all have our personal interpretation/opinions which is also a freedom according to our Constitution and also according to the Baptists Distinctives.
e.g. I would hope that everyone here at the BB has a pro-life view and exercises their right to vote to eliminate pro-death.
Sadly, this is not true or at least seems that way from what I remember from the past though it was a small minority.
I believe a pro-death view is not allowed to be advanced here at the BB, not sure.
Same with the God ordained institution of marriage and its scriptural definition.
So, yes, I use my freedoms tempered by faith and the word of God within the framework of government to advance righteousness.
However, living within a "multi-everything" society ruled by a representative government (at least in the beginning) there are other forces at play even from within the "religious communities" with which we contend.
These forces go against the wishes of the true children of God and would (if they could and often do) keep us from exercising these rights under the banner of "political correctness" for example and are even labeled as hate crimes in some societies.