First of all, the Tea Parties were actually born during the Presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul of Texas in 2007 and 2008. For all intents and purposes, the Tea Parties and the Ron Paul Revolution were one and the same. These were (mostly) young people, who were sick and tired of the same old establishment Republican Party. They were tired of establishment Republicans selling out the principles of limited government; they were tired of the US Constitution being ignored and trampled by both Republicans and Democrats; they were tired of an incessant interventionist US foreign policy that keeps sending US forces overseas to advance a burgeoning New World Order (NWO); they were tired of perpetual war; they were tired of the bank bailouts; they were tired of the Federal Reserve; etc.
I know this because I met--and spoke before--the Tea Party Nation in State after State as I campaigned for Dr. Paul during the Republican primaries back in 2008. And I met them again all over America, as I was running as an Independent candidate for President--with Ron Paul's endorsement, no less. I was with them in scores of meetings (big and small) from Washington, D.C., to Spokane, Washington, and all points in between.
Hardly anyone ever heard of Tea parties till last summer, after the new whiz-bang healthcare reform bill was being written.
Aug 5, 2009- “Indiana Dem Rep Brad Ellsworth concluded that Tea Party activists were likely to hijack the event by shouting about health care, so he postponed the public appearance.”
Jul. 23 2009 –How a Local Rally For Obama's Health Care Proposal Turned Into a Rally Against It…"I'm just amazed they are so strong in what their beliefs are," Anderson said of the Tea Party members. "With people being without health care, it's just hard to imagine people could be so against the plan [President] Obama is trying to put in place."…Tea Party-hearties also showed up to health-care legislation rallies in Austin and in San Antonio.
Aug 10, 2009 – “The battle raging over President Obama's health care plan has spread from across the aisles in Congress to across the country… But disruptive protests are turning town hall meetings into shouting matches and drowning out discussion over what is and isn't in health care plans in the House and Senate.”
Jul 23, 2009 – Pike Residents Protest Obama’s Socialized Medicine Plan. “President Obama has devastated the economy, the unemployment rate is through the roof and now he is going to devastate our health-care system.”
And so on and so on. The protests at the town halls were mostly senior citizens concerned about Obamacare. Now the NWO/Truther folks claim it as their own and warn everybody about Palin. Sorry about that. Palin was invited to speak, and she did.