Active Member
Well, he may not be as scholarly, erudite and polished as you are but in a card game it doesn’t matter if the backs are a little plain as long as they’re not marked. So, here they are—read ‘em and weep!Originally posted by All about Grace:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> (snip)
ShannoL put forth reasons and reasoning.![]()
You are kidding right?

1. The main problems I have with the book is the fact that it takes alot of Scripture out of context in order to fit the theme of the book.
a. In the intro of the book he sites several occasions in which he (Rick) claims that God used 40 days to transform certain people in the Bible.
2. Rick Warren is highly influenced by Robert Schuller…. He is a preacher of the "positive only" stuff. Still, if you do a little research on where He gets his some of his philosophy for ministry, he has some weird bedfellows. He states himself that Robert Schuller is one of his mentors.
3. Me personally, I would never attend Robert Schuller's church leadership conf. much less speak at it like R.Warren. Schuller IS A HERETIC plain and simple. He preaches a false Gospel. Any Baptist preacher of any stripe worth his salt ought to point that out instead giving the impression that,that dude is on the level because he isn't. I noticed you failed or chose not to comment on some of the asscoiations Rick keeps. Maybe that doesnt' bother you.
4. I think we need to be very,leary of 2 or 3 fellows peddling their wares to thousands of churches. What people need today is men of God that preach verse by verse instead of topic by topic. especially some topic they downloaded from some big time preacher then dress it up and call it their own. The best thing a preacher can do (I'm talking about myself as well) is get alone with God and His book and not get up until he has a Word from the Almighty. I never will forget what Holmer Lindsey the great pastor of First Baptist Jacksonville said in Chapel at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary He said men "Don't hop the first train that comes to town" He was talking about fads that come along in the ministry. So I'm just saying just alot of people are swallowing this PDL stuff hook,line and sinker.
5. Even Catholic parrishes are using the PDL book. Does that tell you how vague the book is? Warren said the first reformation was about doctrine now he thinks he is going to be leading the church into the second reformation only this reformation is going to be about how the church does ministry or something to that effect.
6. Why does Warren reccomend "breath prayers" in his book?
7. I ask myself why is R. Warren a S.Baptist have to reccomend something written by some kind of french monk? It seems like these days the only people who understand that the Catholic church is an heretical cult that hasn't changed one bit since its conception are the people who have been delivered by God's grace from its deception.
8. The world is full of people dying and going to an eternal hell and all some can do is just "BE positive" don't be "offensive". I just think alot of what the Church Growth guru's impart to us is what Dr. Jerry Vines calls "church Lite" you know its not the Ten Commandments its eight and you get to pick them that sort of thing.
9. Also, being big isnt' a chief attribute of being successful in God's eyes. Being faithful is. Dude as far as alot of baptistms are concerned being baptized doesn't mean nothing but getting wet.
10. Also, I think it was pretty Cheesy for such a visible,pastor such as Rick Warren to get up in front of 30,000 of his people,while being on TV and sing his rendition of Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze". He said "I've always wanted to do that"
Ole ShannonL had a lot more objections too but you have to dig them out yourself. I would have thought a Ph. D., especially if you ever taught, could comprehend and understand even though some things were a little rambling.
Please allow me to succinctly articulate these objections for you:
1. RW routinely takes Scripture out of context to make his points. This ought to be particularly abhorrent for anyone valuing good Biblical exegesis.
2. RW praises, credits influence and cooperates with individuals who are not orthodox in their theology. In effect, he has given tacit endorsement to Schuller and others. This creates confusion for his followers.
3. RW fails to practice ecclesiastical separation from heresy as commanded by Scripture.
4. RW has succumbed to commercialism and big-business tendencies of modern ministries. (Similar but not identical to #10) Intentionally or not, PDL has become a part of Christian faddism. One does ministry differently from business.
5. RW is very weak in teaching doctrine. (This precisely my point in another post.) The evidence is that RC’s accept his books and materials without any problem.
6. RW is teaching fluff that has no significance or real spiritual edification. This methodology is comparable, although not in degree but in kind, to charismatics seeking a tongues experience by babbling nonsense syllables or mystics pursuing connection with God by deep breathing.
7. RW abdicates his claim as a Baptist by endorsing a RC monk. Again, this is the result of no doctrinal boundaries. He endorses by quoting a man who teaches RC cultic falsehood.
8. RW preaches a non-confrontational gospel that fails to warn people of their eternal destiny without repentance. I don’t think he preaches repentance or an obedient, surrendered life. Once again, this is fluff without doctrine.
9. Human success is more important than faithfulness. It’s megalomania that afflicts many big Christian ministries, so-called.
10. By trying to be relevant, RW is tainting his message, such as it is, with the wrong ideas. Don’t mix drug culture motifs with the gospel. As we have intimated previously, there are no clear boundaries. It’s one big blob.
You may not agree or you may find them contemptible from your intellectual heights but these are real objections to RW and the PDL. One cannot honestly sweep them under the rug as you have tried to do. So, put on the gloves and knock ‘em out or we’ll taunt you as a coward.