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What is wrong with calling it the Chinese Virus


Well-Known Member
1- the term used by Trump is NOT racist - we were told it was - so people just believed it!
2- were you as concerned about Kyle be called a white supremacist and all the other misinformation that the media put out?
It is a politically racist term by former President Trump.
Second, who is Kyle? I take that question as a distraction that is irrelevant to this thread.


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The problem is the phrase is a minced oath. You'd be the first to report the use of the actual wording.
Squire, I rarely report anything. Just a certain mod wen he deceptively twists things for his benefit.
I wouldn't report it if someone posted what you are thinking. I wish a big jungle Gorilla would jump on Brandon and have at it.
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What specifically makes you think that I respect Joe (and Just to ensure no confusion- which Joe).

When did I say that I am offended about Brandon?

and most everyone picks and chooses what they think offends them.
You obviously respect senile Joe Biden. You fuss at me for disrespecting him.
You are an Admin. Y'all as a group take action when Biden is called Brandon.
You are smarter than you are acting in your above post.


Well-Known Member
1) it is an opinion
2) China/Chinese is not a race

Are you serious?
Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges
Trumpers have applied it to all Asia and Americans of Asian descent have been targeted with racist actions against them. We Christians should not use the term for Covid that you seem to espouse.

Second, I rarely watch the news as it is valueless for the soul. If you had said Rittenour or whatever his last name is, I would have recognized the trial. I have no idea why this young man even went to the scene of the riots. Mostly, however, it is irrelevant to this thread.


20,000 Posts Club
Second, I rarely watch the news as it is valueless for the soul. If you had said Rittenour or whatever his last name is, I would have recognized the trial. I have no idea why this young man even went to the scene of the riots. Mostly, however, it is irrelevant to this thread.

Now that we know we are talking about the same person - was the media being racist when they called him a white supremacists, among other things?


Well-Known Member
You obviously respect senile Joe Biden. You fuss at me for disrespecting him.
You are an Admin. Y'all as a group take action when Biden is called Brandon.
You are smarter than you are acting in your above post.
Don't be a hypocrite, Reynolds. You whined and complained whenever someone used a pejorative against former President Trump while he was in office. Now you want to use a pejorative against President Biden and have no impunity. The mods are being fair and consistent. Suck it up big guy and live within the rules.


Well-Known Member
Now that we know we are talking about the same person - was the media being racist when they called him a white supremacists, among other things?
I have no idea. Was he being racist by going to a riot with a gun? Who knows? Why does that matter in this thread?


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Don't be a hypocrite, Reynolds. You whined and complained whenever someone used a pejorative against former President Trump while he was in office. Now you want to use a pejorative against President Biden and have no impunity. The mods are being fair and consistent. Suck it up big guy and live within the rules.
I didn't whine when Trump was disrespected. I simply insulted those who did the disrespecting.
Trump was not a queer rights/abortion rights advocate. Trump was also not senile and didn't poop in his diaper. You love your baby butchering, deviant behavior advocating politicians so what does that say about you?
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Well-Known Member
I didn't whine when Trump was disrespected. I simply insulted those who did the disrespecting.
Trump was not a queer rights/abortion rights advocate. Trump was also not senile and didn't poop in his diaper. You love your baby butchering, deviant behavior advocating politicians so what does that say about you?
Well...that's quite a false leap you made there.
From historical fact, we know neither Donald Trump, nor Joe Biden have lived a virtuous life. For both, I respect the office to which they were elected and refrain from speaking ill of God's ordained leader of this country...even though they have not often been Godly person's.
Now that you know my position, I think it says, about me, that I respect whom God has placed in authority over me as being God's will.


Well-Known Member
I never said God calls evil good. God never calls sinful man...good. God does use evil man to accomplish His perfect will.

... "But they are deeply guilty, for their own strength is their god.”

Covid-19 has been released to this world by ordination of God.
That totally ignores the points against the views stated in your posts.

I acquiesced to the idea that it not be called simply the China virus, though it could be legitimately called that based on so many other past attributions. It was typically hypocritical and mendacious of the Dems to accuse Trump of being racist for calling it the China virus.

My point is that it didn't go nearly far enough, as the Communist Chinese regime is responsible for creating, releasing, and spreading that virus.

Yes, God will ultimately use the CCP's evil for his purposes, but it is nonetheless their evil, not God's. From your own Bible quote: "'"But they are deeply guilty, for their own strength is their god.”'" There is no valid argument against calling it the Communist Chinese Virus, or the CCP Virus.


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant to the virus. It's called Covid-19. Let us not add to the political foolishness of others by using a racist term for the virus. President Trump was wrong to use that phrase. He did so for political reasons as a deflection from his own failings.
How does that square with the way your posts otherwise insist on respecting the leader? Trump said that as the ordained leader of the country. The problem here is the utter inconsistency of your posts on such matters. They do not correctly apply the word of God.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea. Was he being racist by going to a riot with a gun? Who knows? Why does that matter in this thread?
That sounds utterly ignorant. How could having a gun when faced with rioters make one racist? In the specific example, the gun was there before any rioters showed up.

The further point here is that your posts seem ignorant of current events, and even admit as much. They inevitably miss the mark badly. Their main relevance is ignorance on display.


Well-Known Member
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Well...that's quite a false leap you made there.
From historical fact, we know neither Donald Trump, nor Joe Biden have lived a virtuous life. For both, I respect the office to which they were elected and refrain from speaking ill of God's ordained leader of this country...even though they have not often been Godly person's.
Now that you know my position, I think it says, about me, that I respect whom God has placed in authority over me as being God's will.
Biden is Not pro life. He is avowed pro abortion.
Answer me this genius, if the apostles "respected" the laws of Rome and the political figures, why they all die as a martyr or in prison?


20,000 Posts Club
OK! Do I need to say this again ???

Why are we referring to other BB members with such distant???

WE don't need to call other posters as liars,

Lets bring the tone down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Biden is Not pro life. He is avowed pro abortion.
Answer me this genius, if the apostles "respected" the laws of Rome and the political figures, why they all die as a martyr or in prison?
Here is your answer.

But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.”

When they heard the report, all the believers lifted their voices together in prayer to God: “O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— you spoke long ago by the Holy Spirit through our ancestor David, your servant, saying, ‘Why were the nations so angry? Why did they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepared for battle; the rulers gathered together against the Lord and against his Messiah.’ “In fact, this has happened here in this very city! For Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate the governor, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel were all united against Jesus, your holy servant, whom you anointed. But everything they did was determined beforehand according to your will. And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.

~ Acts 4:19-20,24-31

Did the Apostles whine about Rome requiring them to get a vaccine and belligerently tell Rome they wouldn't do it?
I think Dr Luke would have welcomed the vaccine and given the vaccine to all the believers. None of the Christians would have whined about it.


Well-Known Member
To @Reynolds, Joe Biden is standing President of the United States, placed in that position by ordination of God. When Donald Trump was President, he was given respect due to his position. Now that he is removed, we may express dislike for a classic narcissist. The term "Brandon" is a demeaning and disrespectful term for a standing President. Have some respect while Joe Biden is in office.
That is both ridiculous and dangerous, as well as unbiblical. There is nothing sacred about being the president of the United States or anything biblical that would preclude recognizing whatever evil proceeds from whatever person holds office. Kings may rightly be rebuked. For that matter, church elders or pastors may be publicly rebuked.

However, the criticism against Trump for using the term China virus is completely unfounded, even backward, and itself deserves rebuke. The criticism should be aimed at the Communist Chinese regime which created and spread the virus, and at those who promoted "hug a Chinese" type policies that helped further spread it.


Well-Known Member
That totally ignores the points against the views stated in your posts.

I acquiesced to the idea that it not be called simply the China virus, though it could be legitimately called that based on so many other past attributions. It was typically hypocritical and mendacious of the Dems to accuse Trump of being racist for calling it the China virus.

My point is that it didn't go nearly far enough, as the Communist Chinese regime is responsible for creating, releasing, and spreading that virus.

Yes, God will ultimately use the CCP's evil for his purposes, but it is nonetheless their evil, not God's. From your own Bible quote: "'"But they are deeply guilty, for their own strength is their god.”'" There is no valid argument against calling it the Communist Chinese Virus, or the CCP Virus.
I agree, The Chinese Communist Party will pay for their blasphemy against God, just as Babylon paid for their mistreatment of Israel.
But, by labeling this corona virus by their name, you come off as bitter and responding in the flesh, not according to the Spirit of God. Honestly, does love compel you to want to call this by a nation where there are now more Christians than Communist Party members?


Well-Known Member
That is both ridiculous and dangerous, as well as unbiblical. There is nothing sacred about being the president of the United States or anything biblical that would preclude recognizing whatever evil proceeds from whatever person holds office. Kings may rightly be rebuked. For that matter, church elders or pastors may be publicly rebuked.

However, the criticism against Trump for using the term China virus is completely unfounded, even backward, and itself deserves rebuke. The criticism should be aimed at the Communist Chinese regime which created and spread the virus, and at those who promoted "hug a Chinese" type policies that helped further spread it.
The BB has had a standard where posters show respect to the office of President. If you don't like that, talk to the owners of the site.
Former President Trump coined the term as a means of deflecting blame away from himself and placing it on a largely innocent people group who had nothing to do with the virus. He should have stayed away from a cowardly deflection like that. Just call it Covid-19.


20,000 Posts Club
...Former President Trump coined the term as a means of deflecting blame away from himself and placing it on a largely innocent people group who had nothing to do with the virus. He should have stayed away from a cowardly deflection like that. Just call it Covid-19.

Previously I did mention that Trump may have coined "Chinesee Virus" but doing some quick checking - I cant seem to find who actually did coin - if someone can find it - would appreciate if you would share it.

Actually, I do not see it as a deflection and definitely not cowardly.