My earliest memory that has to do with politics goes back to the time I was 7 years old. It was the autumn of 1964 and the time of the Johnson vs. Goldwater presidential race. I was in the second grade and we had been on a field trip and were coming back to the school on the bus. There was a group of kids on the bus calling each other names: "Repukelican" and "Democrap".
Of course, at that age they had no idea what Republican or Democrat meant. These kids only knew that their parents were in one group and the other group was against them. So they called each other names as 7 year olds would do.
I don't remember JFK's assination in 1963, but I do remember when RFK was killed in 1968. I do remember about 1973-74, asking my dad what all the Watergate scandal was about.
I could first vote in 1976. I was nineteen and remember going up to register to vote. I have voted in every presidential election since (and I voted for Ford in 1976.)
I can remember other current events of the 1960's better than politics. I do remember in 1966 when that man named Speck killed all those student nurses in their dormitory. I remember this most vividly because their pictures were on the front page of the newspaper and I remember reading the article, being horrified that someone would do such a thing.
I vaguely remember when that woman, Kitty Genovese, was killed in New York City in 1964; how she was being stabbed to death and calling for help and nobody would respond or even call the police to report it. I do remember it being an article in Readers Digest some years later.