Why do you come to Baptist Board?
I've been here since December 2010 and my reasons for reading/posting on BB has evolved. I'm wondering why others come here. I'll start first and if others want to comment or put up their own lists, it would be appreciated.
Listed in chronological order and/or importance.
1. Challenge and sharpen my theological viewpoints. As a former Lutheran that got born again when I was 13, I've been in Baptist churches (or non-denom churches that might as well been Baptist) ever since. My background is IFB and mega-church non-denom. I was amazed at the diversity of viewpoints on theology which I assumed had been settled among Baptists long ago. Cal vs. non-Cal, the differing eschtalogical positions, handling of the ordinances, Bible versions, personal liberty, etc. Also interesting is the differing ideas on how the local church should be run. Up until I joined here I had been exposed to a fairly unified theological stance. The knowledge I've gained on Bible versions/translations is one area that has really blessed me.
2. One stop shop for getting news, politics, and current events relative to the Christian faith. I know the current events and politics sub-boards can get somewhat heated but I find that it's a great resource to quickly catch up on the daily news that's important to people of faith. Several posters here routinely post items that save me the time and trouble of trawling through Google News. Also interesting is the differing viewpoints on political issues, although I've found that the views are more homogenous than the theological issues. Surprisingly, I've been called a liberal on several occasions.
3. Fellowship. I feel as if I know some of the people here even though we've never met. People reveal personal information occasionally which helps to form a more complete picture of the posters here. Sometimes posters will admit personal difficulties and personal problems which brings a sympathetic reaction. I sometimes find myself praying for people, calling them by their screen name, which is kind of weird, but it's all good.
4. Entertainment. OK, I admit it, I do enjoy the back-and-forth that occurs among some posters. How's so-and-so going to respond to that latest salvo? If I were he I would quote this verse and follow up with this one. And so it goes...
I've been here since December 2010 and my reasons for reading/posting on BB has evolved. I'm wondering why others come here. I'll start first and if others want to comment or put up their own lists, it would be appreciated.
Listed in chronological order and/or importance.
1. Challenge and sharpen my theological viewpoints. As a former Lutheran that got born again when I was 13, I've been in Baptist churches (or non-denom churches that might as well been Baptist) ever since. My background is IFB and mega-church non-denom. I was amazed at the diversity of viewpoints on theology which I assumed had been settled among Baptists long ago. Cal vs. non-Cal, the differing eschtalogical positions, handling of the ordinances, Bible versions, personal liberty, etc. Also interesting is the differing ideas on how the local church should be run. Up until I joined here I had been exposed to a fairly unified theological stance. The knowledge I've gained on Bible versions/translations is one area that has really blessed me.
2. One stop shop for getting news, politics, and current events relative to the Christian faith. I know the current events and politics sub-boards can get somewhat heated but I find that it's a great resource to quickly catch up on the daily news that's important to people of faith. Several posters here routinely post items that save me the time and trouble of trawling through Google News. Also interesting is the differing viewpoints on political issues, although I've found that the views are more homogenous than the theological issues. Surprisingly, I've been called a liberal on several occasions.
3. Fellowship. I feel as if I know some of the people here even though we've never met. People reveal personal information occasionally which helps to form a more complete picture of the posters here. Sometimes posters will admit personal difficulties and personal problems which brings a sympathetic reaction. I sometimes find myself praying for people, calling them by their screen name, which is kind of weird, but it's all good.
4. Entertainment. OK, I admit it, I do enjoy the back-and-forth that occurs among some posters. How's so-and-so going to respond to that latest salvo? If I were he I would quote this verse and follow up with this one. And so it goes...