Ok can someone just give a simple summary of what Q-Anon is?
At its core, Q is 800 of the greatest Military Minds ever assembled.
They are bringing down the Deep State.
They came into being, when The Deep State and Obama were taking over Country after Country, using ISIS the way they are using BLM and Antifa (or would like to) on The U.S.
Our Military was used to provide support and training and backup for ISIS in any Country that resisted the take-overs and regime changes, to place The Peto-dollar/ Central Banks into them that was needed to keep them afloat and slow the demise of the World Debt System reaching its 60-70 end-of-cycle.
Yeman, Lebanon, Egypt, etc.
U.S. Is Said to Expand Secret Actions in Mideast (Published 2010)
Then, our Military, one day, said, "no".
Syria was not taken-over for that reason and the corrupt elements of our Military that had worked with The Deep State Global Banksters were over-ruled by our White Hat Military, with the assistance of Putin coming to the help of Assad.
That Military group recruited Trump to help them and lead the Country away from the Central Banks, which is the root of the problem, Biblically speaking. The Fed, IMF, etc., etc. money is used, along with blackmail, to corrupt our politicians, who would then, be behind Country take-overs.
You remember Obama bombed those innocent people night and day, EVERY DAY for 8 years.
Obama was to be a part of a 16-year plan, with Hillary finishing off the U.S. and wiping us off the map, forever.
"Q" anon is disseminated Military Intelligence, online to The Patriots, so they will know what is going on.
I have followed the link I gave you, daily, for an hour or so of economic and Geo-Political news, for years.
"Q" has been resisted in every way, because they/he/she/it is straight-up legit.
The press has never asked, "is Q real". They know better. They know what they are.
They have waited until plenty (10s of thousands) of articles and reports have been made that falsely claim Q is behind violence, etc. Nope.
The President just says, "they like me".
Q is fighting for your Country, as you president is, (hand-in-hand with them) and THEY WILL WIN.
China, Russia, and America are working together to eliminate The World Banks.
Trump has already taken the Private FED and placed them into The IRS, which gave him Federal Control over breaking it up.
This is yesterday's Economic News that is Pro-Trump that you won't hear, elsewhere.
Boris Makes Moves Against The EU,[CB] Begins Their Narrative,Countermeasures In Place-Episode 2304a