You want to see first hand the arrogance of Furtick, their Pastor? Look at his eyes and demeanor.
Not once did this so-called preacher give one Bible verse. Need I say more?
My son just started Bible College this semester and wants to be a Pastor. I have impressed upon him the need to get a Masters Degree at minimum, and a Doctoral degree would be better. The college he now attends stresses the need to start a church, not take over an established one. That leads me to the question in the OP:
What kind of Baptist Church would you start?
First, you should not start a church unless there is a need. Yes, there is a great need thur out the USA, the World, ect, but there is no need to start a new work just down the street from another Bible believing church (unless there is a major disagreement on the color of the carpet :laugh
Also some men need to "interim" under an established and experience pastor. I have seen several young preachers make major errors in their first few years in the ministry. Bible College is great - bu it also needs to be balanced by experience.
As far as a BA, Masters, Dr; I would think that depends on the congregation. A highly educated and or large church would be better served by a man who has seminary or higher. A small blue collar church may actually be intimidated by a man with an alphabet soup behind his name.
Personally, I am not one for taking "Baptist" out of the name, but if a church does so, and people are being saved and growing in the Lord, whom am I to criticize.
What kind of Baptist church would I start? A Bible believing one! I have started several churches - all as IBF, the last, we later decided to affiliate (not join) the SBC.