Well-Known Member
Genesis 1:3.
God is called light, 1 John 1:5.
The Son of God, He is the true light, per John 1:9.
Questions about the created light, see Was the Speed of Light Even Faster in the Early Universe? | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
The Son of God, He is God the uncaused Cause, the Creator, John 1:1, Colossians 1:16-17.
God is called light, 1 John 1:5.
The Son of God, He is the true light, per John 1:9.
Questions about the created light, see Was the Speed of Light Even Faster in the Early Universe? | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
The Son of God, He is God the uncaused Cause, the Creator, John 1:1, Colossians 1:16-17.
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