Short Answer: Baptists know and aknowledge we are sinners and are saved by Grace through Faith.
I was raised a Baptists and left Baptist churches in my very early 20s because I couldn't reconcile the 1-point Calvinism that was taught at the time.
I swam around between a pretty big Pentecostal holiness church, independent full-gospel churches which didn't fall into the WOF heresies, and a local Church of God (Cleveland). Over that time my conscience was consistently reminded of a couple of things that pointed back toward Baptist churches. Those points were that I was a sinner and unable to live a life pleasing to God no matter how hard I worked at it. The follow-up to that was my growing awareness of the absolute necessity of Grace for my salvation. I always knew Grace was a crucial element but I saw faith and repentance as parts of the equation where I was the one doing the work. As I began to better understand Grace, there was the realization that the churches I was attending either underemphasized Grace or didn't understand it at all. Not that I fully understand God's Grace, but I was put off by Preachers who felt the need to add caveats when preaching or teaching on Grace.
The Baptist Church I attend has a strong understanding that we are all sinners and we are fully dependent on God's Grace for our salvation. There is no pretense that we can live a holy enough life to be pleasing to God and earn or our salvation like I saw in the Pentecostal churches. The motive for abstaining from sin is love and gratitude for what Christ did for us; for His love, sacrifice and saving grace. That is consistent with my current Baptist church.
When the Lord saved me in college...
Went into Assemblies of God for first decade or so...
Sincere believers, and thankfully more "old school" pentacostals, so not much in WoF and health wealth heresies!
I NEVER bought into second act of Grace, tongues as ONLY evidence etc...
Thankfully, now in baptist church!