The Baptist Pillar
What Makes a Baptist Church an Independent Baptist Church?
Some bullet points
- The Pattern of Acts 13
- Christ's Authority Given To The Church
- There Can Be Cooperation Without Compromise
- Independent But Not Isolated
- Only One Scriptural Organization
Sounds about right to me (insofar as I understand the IFB denomination). The only part that I'd disagree with is :
"If it were scriptural for a church to redelegate the authority to another organization to send out missionaries, then it would be just as scriptural to redelegate that authority to another to baptize, to administer the Lord's supper, to exercise discipline, etc. The Bible does not teach or condone such action. There is no scriptural justification for the formulation of mission boards."
I disagree for a couple of reasons (I am SBC, so this goes without saying). First, when we look in Acts we can see a corporation between churches (I believe in the coming together to determine what doctrine is appropriate for the Gentiles and also with Paul's collection for the poor).I realize that my "evidence" is not above challenge, but this is one reason I believe in churches supporting one another. I also see in the New Testament a type of corporation when it comes to the support of the Apostles, and I believe this extends to evangelism in general. I think, for example (again, this is my opinion and not above challenge), that Paul intended his support for those in the early mission field to extend beyond a single church.
So I strongly disagree that there is no scriptural justification for the formulation of mission boards. Churches should be in corporation with one another (I think this is also very evident in the tone of 2 John....again, not above challenge [I view the "lady" and "sister" to be referring to local churches).