Another mark of a cult, especially the pseudo/quasi-Christian ones, is WORSHIPPING & LIVING BY MAN-MADE RULES, law aside, of course.
Seems, besides the obvious cults such as the JW, a lotta them are branches of pentecostalism. They have such man-made rules as "no pants on women, no earrings on men", etc. T.D. Jakes grew up in, & started his cult in St. Albans, WV, about 50 miles from my home. While he doesn't say it, he's definitely pentecostal.
Another such gang is "Holiness". Before I was saved, a friend invited me to his church, a Holiness one. Its service started much as many other churches do, but as it went on, the preacher started talking louder & louder til he was screaming incomprehensibly, & the parishioners began waving their arms in the air, soon getting up & writhing like hula dancers, with many laying on the floor cutting dust angels. At that point I left, believing I'd ventured into a funny farm, wondering, HOW CAN THAT BE HONORING GOD ? After I was saved & studied Scripture,I knew Old Testament groups sometimes did that, but not those under the New Covenant. I know church services are supposed to not only edify believers, but to lead the unsaved present to Jesus, & such a shenanigan as I saw that day didn't do either.