Cussing is as cussing does. In AV times, piss was an everyday word.( I cannot figure out why certain words for excretory functions became "dirty" words-everybody does them, saint & sinner alike.)
As a former sailor, I can tell you there the phrase "cuss like a sailor" is NOT false! Even educated, high-ranking officers often said, "F this, F that"(Much to the amusement of many Japanese, I might add!!)
It's a cultural thing. I avoid the use of the word "bloody" in my posts because, although it's a perfectly-acceptable word in the USA, its use as scatology is highly offensive to our British readership.
"Jazz" is a word which has been "purified" over the years. Its original use was a slang word for semen, mostly by southern blacks, & was considered "cussing" by most Americans of a hundred years ago. Its original form was "jass". Although this word is occasionally applied to its original use, it generally means a form of music, and is thus taught in English classes in other nations.
The "Music Police" sometimes cite the term "rock and roll" as meaning to have sex inside a car. Like "jazz", the meaning has changed considerably over the years.
I actually don't see why anything outside of using God's name improperly should be considered 'cussing", especially those terms for bodily functions that everyone must perform, but in the society in which I live, they ARE considered cussing, so, as a Christian, I don't use them lest I should show Christianity in a bad light or cause my brother to stumble.