"The cults trap people" I would agree. I would also say any denomination can end up "cult like" if they go out of the spirit into the flesh. And then... The bondage of the devil is very close at hand. One thing I have noticed in denominations is the change of the quality of people from one generation to the next. What I would give to sit with the old WW2 generation like in times past!
The Jesus Only bunch here in Indianapolis is mostly people who are down and out. The cult teaches them aggressiveness in personal relationships and they are difficult to get along with--I should say that the whites ones are; the blacks in the apostolic Jesus Only segregated branch are friendlier.
As for your point that any denomination can end up cult like, we have watched the mainline denominations mostly adopt liberal theology and so there is a widespread cult of liberalism. They ordain women and homosexuals' and deny the miracles as well as the historical doctrines of Christianity.
We are now watching post modernism sweeping through the SBC and their seminaries. Some call it cultural marxism. Greear thinks that Muslims and Christians worship the same God and Moore helped a group of jihadis build a mosque. Critical race theory dominates the public forum of the SBC. If they would look at the balance sheet, they could see that they had to pull back their Lifeway stores and retreat to an online only outlet. The North American Mission Board of the SBC in Georgia was supposed to develop an apologetics department and they did make an effort in that direction but they stopped short of a comprehensive catalogue of the cults. No one knows which way the SBC will go.