Hi to all , and my premise , is that Paul did not teach what Jesus , what the 12 apostles and James and the Elders taught .
#1 , The whole C O N T E X T of Acts is Jewish , EXCEPT when it comes to Paul , just like Acts 15 and Acts 21:20 reveals .
#2 , In Acts 21:20 , we see that James and the Elders , who are Jews show Paul how many THOUSANDS of Jews are keeping the Law and it is hard to believe what the Holy Spirit has Paul write ?
I believe that the CONTEXT is Israel .
#3 , Then , James says to Paul in verse 21 , they are INFORMED / KATECHEO , which means to Sound down into the Ears , to Indocrtinate , Instructe , teach , of THEE , that thou TEACHETH/DIDASKO which means to teach and to learn ;
a , teach the Jews which are among the Gentiles !
b , to FORSAKE Moses , which is a captial offense , with the death Penalty.
c , Saying that they should not CIRCUMCISE , their children , and they were KEEPING the Law of Moses to me !!
d , And NEITHER to walk AFTER the customs of the Jews !
This means that Paul was NOT A Law Keeper any more , but was preaching Against the Law that Jesus and Peter were preaching , so what was Paul preaching ???
#1 , The whole C O N T E X T of Acts is Jewish , EXCEPT when it comes to Paul , just like Acts 15 and Acts 21:20 reveals .
#2 , In Acts 21:20 , we see that James and the Elders , who are Jews show Paul how many THOUSANDS of Jews are keeping the Law and it is hard to believe what the Holy Spirit has Paul write ?
I believe that the CONTEXT is Israel .
#3 , Then , James says to Paul in verse 21 , they are INFORMED / KATECHEO , which means to Sound down into the Ears , to Indocrtinate , Instructe , teach , of THEE , that thou TEACHETH/DIDASKO which means to teach and to learn ;
a , teach the Jews which are among the Gentiles !
b , to FORSAKE Moses , which is a captial offense , with the death Penalty.
c , Saying that they should not CIRCUMCISE , their children , and they were KEEPING the Law of Moses to me !!
d , And NEITHER to walk AFTER the customs of the Jews !
This means that Paul was NOT A Law Keeper any more , but was preaching Against the Law that Jesus and Peter were preaching , so what was Paul preaching ???