Really? You don't think the advent of the communication age, with radio, television, smart phones, the Internet, Skype, etc., has changed people?? For one thing, Americans' attention span has dropped significantly just in the last 15 years. Additionally, both politically and socially, polarization, fragmentation and division have become familiar themes and make it far more difficult for people of differing social, spiritual and political opinions to find common ground. Far more likely, they will reject and label one another without actually learning anything about one another. This is just as true of Christians as it is the lost.Sin hasn't changed. Mankind has changed dramatically. And the Bible confirms this will happen, and in fact, it already is:2 Timothy 4, NASB
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine ; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
That verse is always relevant in every age. If you are claiming it for today it is if you are setting a date for the coming of Christ which we are told not to.
Mankind has not changed and never will. His heart is just as evil as it was in the first century and before. If they are not paying attention to your sermons perhaps you are a boring preacher
I am a missionary. In Asia many of our services last for four hours. What is the difference? Are you saying that the believers in Asia are more holy than the believers in America?
There are certain days of the year when we have a "preacher's fellowship." It is a day when preacher's are invited from the surrounding area to preach in one of the churches hosting the event. The day runs from about 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. There are Christians that will sit all day through good preaching of the Word. They enjoy the fellowship with others, and being fed the Word of God.
People haven't changed. Maybe you have. But people haven't.
Get over yourselves. Love God, love others, and preach the Gospel, which is the truth spoken in love.
Give me the time and date in history when God changed the nature of mankind. When did we enter into this new dispensation?You can make all the claims you want that men have not changed, the fact is they have, and the opportunities to present the Gospel are becoming more infrequent, and the hearts that are open are fewer and farther between.
The gospel was never to be presented with outrage, anger, vilification, and temper. You have your facts wrong. You have a picture of history that isn't valid. Some of the Godly men that you are vilifying were some of most Godly and loving saints that walked the earth. They would give their life--literally--for the life of another. That is a characteristic that is not common anymore. We live in a selfish society. But here I reference believers not unbelievers.Nonetheless, we are to keep speaking it, at every opportunity. But we will not reach them with outrage, anger, vilification, and temper. We will reach them with love.
And I see on this thread that loving others is disparaged. I have something to say to those who think thusly
Loving your neighbor is also to point him in the right direction which includes pointing him away from his sin. Love is the self-sacrificial giving of one's self. It is not necessarily emotional or an emotion in and of itself. Perhaps your concept of love is wrong.1 John 4, NASBThat's in the Bible, too. There is no limit on love. You are not allowed to withhold it from anyone. "Love God, love your neighbor." Jesus said these are the two greatest commandments. Your neighbor is everyone, not just those you want to love. It includes the bum, the drunk, the wife-beater, the thief, the murderer -- the homosexual.
8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Jesus spoke more about hell than he did about heaven, was he still speaking in love?
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