Indianapolis is an international center for the occult due to Camp Chesterfield, just inside an adjoining county. It dates from the 19th century and also has Jesus in their pantheon of gods. During the Reagan years when the economy began to recover from the high inflation, high unemployment, and high interest rates of the Carter years, the practitioners of the occult were very unhappy as their retail hocus pocus fortune telling was ignored and their general income fell. Camp Chesterfield grew the most after World War I when so many soldiers died in Europe and were buried there. Families went to seances and there is evidence that Camp Chesterfield had real demonic activity. The occult frightens me and I have never wanted to go to Camp Chesterfield even in the daylight. Nor have I wanted to enter the occult bookstores in Indianapolis. One prominent occultist started telling me about the stars, etc., and I told her in the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth, which made her very angry right away. I had another psychic friend who had correctly predicted the death of her classmate when they were both in high school. She tolerated me but I was never able to change her mind about anything.
Indianapolis was also the starting place for Jim Jones, although very few would ever admit knowing anything about him. I knew one guy who was a gospel singer and he had a relative who worked for Jim Jones as a janitor. Because of his singing ability as a teenager, he said that Jim Jones took him to meet Father Devine, as Jones was trying to merge the two cults. When Jones moved to California, his relative stayed behind because the relative did not know how to read and write and did not want to move so far away.
The Amazon Synod starting soon in the Vatican is practically an occult instrument as Vatican insiders are saying that Christians can learn spirituality from heathen savages living in South American jungles with little or no contact with civilization. Also, Pope Francis mistakenly said that God willed the variety of religions in the world. It is really more politics than anything else but it is silly theology and is being played by the occult to a degree.
I think words are meaningless to the occult. I am not skilled at talking with them. They have an old mansion for a meeting place just north of downtown Indianapolis, where many other sketchy groups are located. I knew one lady who worked for the Holy Order of Mans (now defunct) for many years in Indianapolis. She was very generous to me and told me that people from the Holy Order of Mans moved into Joy of All Who Sorrow Eastern Orthodox Church that was like the New Age to me but is also just north of downtown Indy in an upscale area of old mansions. The Holy Order of Mans dressed like Catholic clergy and fooled many people. They had a large dormitory in an old house and ran two restaurants and a bakery. When Jones caused Jonestown, it put a spot light on the Holy Order of Mans and caused them to close down and disband.
I also had a friend who donated a lot of money to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh took a lot of transients to Oregon to try to take over a county there. Once there, they wanted out and were so addicted as to be useless. He let them out but charities had to buy them bus tickets back to their homes. Some from Indianapolis went there.