Interesting how the OP identifies several
Republicans as banners of the much sought after and beloved conservativism which is bonded to evangelical Christianity.
One of the sad things is that evangelicalism is so much more than Republicanism. It is so much more than the one or two political issues that so many seek to define it by in our modern context.
So much rhetoric gets poured on earnest Christians by those in certain corners of evangelicalism we've lost our capacity for hospitality with each other.
There are significant questions and issues out there. But how we respond to each other is just as important as standing for those issues.
How will I act in an Obama world? The exact same as in a Bush, Clinton, or Reagan world. There isn't much difference when it comes down to it for the Bible believing Christian. Anyone who really believes that one man in a circular office is going to either raise or lower the bar of the Church is sorely mistaken in my opinion.
I'll reiterate what I've said formerly. I
like our new President and hope the best for him in his life. I don't agree with everything he does or believes but I sure think he's got some great things in the works. He isn't the enemy.