New Member
Yea emotional...does that supprise you? I see you as someone just wishing to turf guard your church. If so...then own up or do you truly feel that your church is innocent of all wrong doing.Yes, I deny my church does the wrong doing you described Then I will show you one that has pedofila and other miscrient Behavior that has ruined the lives of at least 9 family's. Still better yet you can come here meet the families yourself. How did it start, that's a long drawn out story....but little things were indications. Dress had to be this way and that. The child's educe had to be through this now thrum this school, yuour wife needs to dress just the way cut your alchsol no short sleeve shirts no interaction with your brother or your live for us now. End huddling in a dark corner of a room...cant function....and I have just begun to skim the surface....I had to give these people a house because this starved them, made them destitute and homeless. So don' let me shut up before I get really angry....and it should not be with you.Let me say that I would be appalled if that happened in my church and I would do everything possible to help those poor kids. I never said that there aren't abuses out there. I have read terrible things that happen in all kinds of churchs, including IFB. I am saying I haven't seen it in my churches or churches in my area. But none of us should get too self-righteous, because except the grace of God, there go I.
I have seen abuse in families in my church, but it was not condoned by church leadership, who intervened on behalf of the abused. That is the way it should be.