Friendship/lifestyle or contact evangelist?
Contact means that you prefer to witness to strangers. You love tracts, open air preaching, street evangelism and knocking on doors. Although not all contact evangelists may do open air preaching.
Friendship/lifestyle evangelism means you prefer to witness to people you build a relationship with or people at work and people that can see the influence of your life.
Both forms of evangelism have scripture support but what form do you prefer?
Some books on these forms of evangelism
The Way of the Master
One thing you can't do in Heaven
The fifth gospel
Conversational evangelism
Contact means that you prefer to witness to strangers. You love tracts, open air preaching, street evangelism and knocking on doors. Although not all contact evangelists may do open air preaching.
Friendship/lifestyle evangelism means you prefer to witness to people you build a relationship with or people at work and people that can see the influence of your life.
Both forms of evangelism have scripture support but what form do you prefer?
Some books on these forms of evangelism
The Way of the Master
One thing you can't do in Heaven
The fifth gospel
Conversational evangelism
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