Winman, re your post #17:
There's no disagreement here that God knows all. But I don't see how one can separate his foreknowlege from his determinate counsel. It may be that sometimes God's determinate counsel takes the form of withdrawing His restraint of evil, and allowing one to follow his sinful nature.
It seems to me that to separate foreknowledge from determinate counsel leaves God as passive, and we know that he's not, as we find in Daniel 4:35:
I wish I had some easy answers to these questions. If I must choose, I have to come down on the side of His sovereignty, even though that position creates further questions.
Oh, but seems to me you obviously do have an easy answer (conclusion), Butler.

No??? You’ve stated that “you don’t see how God can separate His foreknowledge from His
determinate council” then you’ve simply gone forward and begged the question on that conclusion (that He can’t separate foreknowledge from derterminism). Let’s look at your “easy answer”:
Originally posted by Butler:
If I must choose, I have to come down on the side of His sovereignty, even though that position creates further questions.
You’ve clearly come down on the side of God‘s Sovereignty being “
Deterministic Sovereignty” (also noting this choice is complete: “regardless of the consequences”).
Oh, not to forget you’ve also stated that God’s “determinate counsel” could take the form of “withdrawing His restraint” and “allowing one to follow his nature” in an effort to recognize and acknowledge the volition of God’s creatures to do evil on their own according to their “own” nature. But, in double-minded fashion you’ve turn right back around and restate the premise you’ve once again begged the question on to come to your final conclusion on (your “no easy answer – “
If you had to choose” - “answer”):
Originally posted by Butler:
It seems to me that to separate foreknowledge from determinate counsel leaves God as passive, and we know that he's not, as we find in Daniel 4:35:
Your conclusion is: Divine foreknowledge, “must” = a form Deterministic Sovereignty (despite the conseuences). But now you’ve even taken the next step to addressing WHY you are willing to accept those consequences: “If "
Deterministic Sovereignty" is not true then God must be passive”. Confirming once again there is only one “easy answer” and again – “regardless of the consequences” to God’s Nature that He must be the “Author of Evil”. (your proof-texts to this “fact” about to be noted as forthcoming.)
Then one page later you say we wouldn’t be having this discussion if we could separate from attributing evil to God and so you “proof-text” scripture which you “proves” makes God ultimately responsible for evil:
Originally posted by Butler:
We probably wouldn't be having this discussion if somehow we could separate out evil from God's sovereignty. We just don't like the idea of God's being so sovereign that he's ultimately responsible for evil.
Seems there is no escape that your “very humble” and “no easy answer” amounts to exactly the conclusion that:
“God cannot separate His foreknowledge from Deterministic sovereignty and therefore He is responsible for evil.”
Do you see how you begged the question here???
The way I see it is that you’ve assumed that God is not Omnipotent enough to separate His foreknowledge from His “determinate counsel” which you then assume must equate to Him “determining evil” for Him to be Omnipotent in His Sovereignty.
Further, you have begged the question on this by assuming His “determinate
counsel” can only equate to the “determinate
action” of His creatures. Also, you’ve seem to have accepted the consequences of attributing evil to God.
So my question (actually two) to you about your “humbly” coming to your “not so easy answer” with an “easy answer” along with proof-texts that “God is in Deterministic Sovereign Control of all things including evil”, is:
Why isn’t God Omnipotent enough to separate His foreknowledge from “
Deterministic Sovereignty”?
And could His “determinate counsel”
not relate to that He has a form of “
Provident Sovereignty” to counsel truly volitional creatures by which they are responsible for the evil in the world according to His judgment on them disobeying His determinate counsel???
I’m just curious on what you base your “not so easy” easy answer on if not on begging your question on that God “must” have “Deterministic Sovereign Control” due to His “Omnipotent inability” to separate foreknowledge from determinism by which you conclude would make Him less than Omnipotent?
Because it seems to me you have not only so “
humbly chosen” your “no easy answer - answer” but are now going to about to decisively support it and declare it as true?
SO have you made up your mind all of a sudden or what?? (Being just a wee bit “double-minded” perhaps??

) IOWs, if you haven’t made up your mind that God has Deterministic Sovereign Control over His creatures in all things THEN WHY are you proof-texting that evil is attributed to Him???
Come on! Fess up! Tell the truth now –
and forever more, ..."
Butler"! (You ever wonder why I call you, "Butler"? This is why.- "Its the name I've associated with your common tactic of talking out of both sides of your mouth, or maybe better said, "the other end", ...while "humbly" moving forward onto proof-texting and thereby "teaching" Determinist views!") You’ve already really chosen your easy answer to the not so easy answer, haven’t you?