Active Member
Attention Cals...put on your secret decoder glasses to get the secret "cultic and freakish red colored " instructions...:laugh:
You can keep your philosophy,,,your ideas of what the gospel is, and your presentation.....I will keep the historic understanding of the faith once delivered to the saints ,as expressed in the historic confessions of the church.
it is very apparent that Icon will jump at every chance to announce that some may have no hope while proudly projecting his Hyper-Determinists (phikosophical) views on election. This specially privileged stuff seems especially prideful while being excessively contrary to the truth of scripture and the messages we should be giving. [/QUOTE]
As you seem fixated on what you perceive as my motives, I will offer an assessment of how you come across to me.
You and your excessive hubris cannot grasp the plain meaning of scripture as it is designed to leave sinners hope.....outside of Christ.
Instead of being concerned about what I might be "jumping at" should be more concerned with scripture dealing with the righteous judgement of God...which you avoid at all cost.
Here is an example:
This is to speak against God's elective purpose as clearly revealed in scripture. This kind of statement is can only be explained by excessive if you know more than the apostles that any teaching of the electing love of God ...has to be understood as... specially privileged stuff.
This denial of the biblical teaching has you substituting your ideas of how God saves people...then offering your puffed up opinions of what should stand in it's place.
God's election, predestination, decree, covenant , are the language of scripture.....this is not:
You rarely use the language of scripture. Do you ever use the word ELECT to describe believers, as the apostles did? or are you "Above" using that word?
maybe for you...this is not the message we should be giving
For us who believe and know the truth we take great comfort and rejoice in God's elective decree. I understand your frustration that we enjoy the salvation that God has made known to His goes against your worldview , such a point that you must progress to evil speaking in many of your responses.......pal.
This address is honesty and candor and precise. Thanks. :thumbsup:
I am glad God does not bow down to mans reason of what fair is, and that He has not exercised righteous judgment upon us, but I am thankful that He extended grace, and shows us after salvation how He chose us. We are so undeserving of this favor.
Glory to God and God alone, none to man, none to choice, God alone.
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