That is all of us, my friend.
So you can say without question you were saved as a child? And you have not considered whether, if that is true, your return to Christ is not simply Christ's preservation of one of His own, despite their wanderings?
You say you could have gone in a different direction, but would not our Heavenly Father be the Supreme example of what He commands of man? Can He not train you up in the way you should go, in nurture and admonition, that, when you are would not depart from it?
So you have a burden you present to yourself: show how Scripture does not teach what some feel it does, which can be seen as simply a recognition of Scripture states in a pretty straightforward manner.
It's either that, or believe what you want to believe without being able to show why an opposing view is in error. That's where we test our beliefs, not just by embracing them, but defending them and examining other views in light of Scripture.
And many opt for a particular System because first, they reject the opposing view, secondly, because they dislike how those of other Systems behave, and third, because the opposing view makes the most heinous charge one can levy on are wrong.
And nobody deals well with being told they are wrong.
The above statement can be found on just about any forum one goes to. The usual content of discussions are personal rather than doctrinal, and the tendency to exclude the weightier matters is the result.
So while you may have convinced yourself that the views you hold are the truth, the question is, are these your views, or simply views of others that happen to agree with what you believe? Can you present a Biblical Presentation in support and show a reasonable Basis of Belief that cannot be shown to have errors? Are you willing to recognize error in your own views, and be honest if someone points a conflict with that view?
I have asked a simple question in the other post, and I ask that you answer it. You say you have free will to choose, but I would suggest to you that you have never had free will, and that the freedom you have now in Christ brings about what might be viewed as even less free will.
In order to support your view you are going to have to show that God has first presented that in His Word. God remains consistent in His revelation to man, and unless we can harmonize every teaching our views will come under scrutiny and criticism. The big question is whether that criticism is valid or not.
God bless.
I would say I was saved while I was a child, and I have no doubt about that. I also have no doubt that I departed from that, and it could have been permanent. I believe our free will was weakened in the fall, not destroyed. I have pointed out scripture that supports what I believe. I know those who believe the opposite can point to scripture which they think supports their view. Those differences are an example of why there are denominations.
To decide which is true, I look at all of scripture, the early churches, what was believed for thousands of years, the nature and character of God as revealed in Jesus, and actual human experience and actions. Based on all of that, I conclude that a deterministic god is not the God of the Bible. I am sorry if that offends, but what else can I do but state my beliefs and conclusions when asked?
I have done so at other times, on other forums, and I have damned for it, and banned for it. But so be it. To quote Martin Luther: "Here I stand. I can do no other."