The more I read God's word over the years, and the more my thinking on subjects has changed because of it, the more I found that I could not belong to most of the denominations that there are, currently. In the beginning, as a new believer, I saw myself as being, basically, "Evangelical" ( think, "Evangelical Free", or non-denominational )...after that, the more I read, the more I became convinced that certain things they held to, like a lack of
serious separation from the world and its ways, was in error.
My lack of studies during the '80's and '90's didn't help anything, but I went as far as staying Independent Baptist for the first 25 years after I was converted.
No, a dream wouldn't have done it, because I learned again, early on, not to trust such things, but to trust His word alone for authority.
While I've had a few supernatural events that I won't go into, those did not change my course; except to make me realize that the spiritual realm isn't anything to take lightly.
At the end of the day, coming to understand doctrines from God's word are what made me switch to where I am now... from being "Evangelical", to "Independent, Fundamental Baptist", to "Sovereign Grace Baptist" ( similar to "Reformed Baptist", old line "Missionary Baptist", "Primitive Baptist" and "Particular Baptist" depending on how far back you go ).
In reality I don't subscribe to denominations, because I don't see them existing in God's word.
But I do see false teachers and false teachings proliferating at a tremendous rate in these last days, and I figure that is where the denominational separation has been coming from for many hundreds of years now.
May God bless you.