Ok guys, what are breath prayers? I've never heard of that one.
Oh no.... I can't stop myself!!:type:
Anyway, breath prayers, centering prayer, and various other "methods" of "spiritual formation" are the current rage/fad sweeping through gullible evangelicalism.
It's the hobby horse of a certain well-placed member of my church, and when I try to counter the introduction of this material, I'm "causing division."
The reality is all this "spiritual formation" nonsense is warm over, upchucked 1970 Transcendental Meditation. There's nothing "ancient" about it (though Richard Foster and Dallas Willard will assert otherwise).
It's self-centered, me-focused gnosticism, based on the flawed, un-Biblical premise that all *I* need to do is disconnect from all the busy-ness of life and let the spirit of God which dwells within me come to the fore.
I could write pages on this stuff, but the response I get in my own church from people who should know better fall in three very predictable camps:
1) Anything that promotes "spirituality" is good
2) How dare you question how another approaches God?
3) Why is this important?
I fall into a slightly narrower camp: That the Gospel is Jesus and Him crucified, and that our relationship to God is by, and of, the finished work of Christ.
But that's soooo propositional. I need to get with the times...:BangHead: