Of course it is not if it is accurately applied. However it is often just used as a false accusation.Liberal is not an empty headed pejorative.
I have heard this premise before.The major news outlets support Marxist politicians and hate and despite all conservative people in general.
Which politicians are Marxist? In general, how are they Marxist?
Does this "hate" of "all conservative people in general" come only from the leadership of these media outlets, or does it extend all the way down to the rank and file journalists?
Are you referring generally to journalists or media pundits like on CNBC?They ignore facts and stories quite often that make their favorite candidate look bad while slamming conservative one's endlessly.
I agree that there are media pundits who do exactly what you say. I also know there is a whole culture of "conservative" media that endlessly attacks anyone who is not wholly in the "conservative" camp. Much of Fox News and talk radio does this.
I find both morally and intellectually repulse. What about you?
Some of us think he gets fair coverage.Trump as had 90 % bad press
Again, I need you to explain what you mean by "Marxist." How is Obamacare Marxist?For instance they supported with as much positive news reports the marxist take over of our health care system otherwise known as obamacare.
I agree with that. Obamacare was so much of a compromise it cannot be viable. Moreover, it had no chance of operating even modestly well since the Republicans crippled much of it. Our current President was a supporter of universal healthcare and promised it in his campaign and in his first months in office. That was one of the few things I agreed with him about, although it was clear he was simply lying to get votes and had no clue about what it would take. As expected, he did not live up to those promises. So are you making the claim that placing healthcare into the hands of the state is Marxist? If so, was candidate Donald Trump promoting Marxism and those who voted for him approving of Marxism?The ultimate goal of obamacare was not that it be the final product but that it lead to state run health care.
Not necessarily. I hear people on Fox News claim that, but by and large the reporters I have seen try to provide multiple angles on the issues of free speech vs. offensive speech. Are you making the claim that REPORTING on attempts to stifle free, but perhaps unpopular speech on college campuses demonstrates Marxism?They report favorably on those who would work in a revolutionary manner to squelch free speech at colleges and paint the conservative speakers as bad guys only working to incite violence.
I know you can go on and on, but I have noticed that you haven't defined Marxism nor specifically shown what aspects of mainstream journalism demonstrate Marxist ideals. Perhaps you are a moral, philosophical, and political nihilist and believe that words only have meaning in terms of promoting or restricting the power of others for your own interests. If so, that's worse than real Marxism.I could go on and on but then you already know all of this. You may not like the facts or the monikers but they do not exist for your liking.